Anonymous1: None of the above. What's with the fixation for human hair on an alien? Do turians have hair? Biologically, they're more related than humans.
5AND3R5: I've got to go with number 1... It's Samantha's from TR hair, but compared with other TR< Resident Evil and DA haircuts, I like 1 better. I don't know where exactly to vote on tumblr. Don't see a pool for it :(
Anonymous7: Per canon, humans and quarians are the only species with hair. Having said that, I prefer a look where there's a scaly crest before the hair comes out of it (one of the first fanarts that shows up in google image searches)
Rob0Comb0: Actually, well it may be a tall order, but I think 4 and 10 could blend together, I like the look of ten, but because her hair doesn't really get to be let down a lot, it would become kind of messy (like the fang version) But if we got the best of both, I think it might look nice.
hanoua: I think 1 or 10 is the best choice, black hair (like in her picture) and the way they are cut it fits whit the hood she wear in ME2 and ME3. Bioware even explain that she cut her hair shorter when she became older in ME2
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I like 6 because DAT BRAID. The bun in five is nice too.
Fuck Fang's hair.
I guess I'll settle for 1.
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But as it's currently modeled, it doesn't fit. AT ALL. It's way too animu for a ME model. It sticks out like a sore thumb.
1 and 10 are shorter and not wavy enough, but they fit better with other ME models.
Also, the hair should definitely be black.
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