Anonymous1: beefers you fuck off you stupid closet homo. you probably live in your parents basement and are really named sam and are a major douchebag closest homo just leave and never come back.
beefers: @Anonymous: then you have a real dirty mouth for a lady. No wonder you are here instead of making dinner for your husband. Though I shouldn't assume, maybe you're a dyke.
Anonymous4(1): @beefers: So woman can't have dirty mouths and are supposed to make dinner? Wow you're not just an asshole but a sexist misogynistic pig too. No I'm not a dyke, I'm straight chick with a pegging kink. Go fucking suck a cock or dildo it will do you some fucking good.
Anonymous5: Guys, guys, yes beefers is being misogynistic but that doesn't excuse being a complete BITCH to a total stranger, and if anon 1, 2, and 4 is indeed the artist then some hatred over the 76-some near-identical pictures is completely justified as it's annoying as fuck.
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There are no fucking women on the internet...
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