Freako: "I don't normally give a fuck about QC porn but I really hope whoever drew Sam naked dies in a car fire. Like, you wanna draw my characters boning, whatever, go for it. But don't be a goddamned pedophile." - Jeph Jacques
Jeph Jacques (born Jeffrey Paul Jacques, June 17, 1980) writes and illustrates the webcomic Questionable Content. He was born in Rockville, Maryland, and graduated from Hampshire College with a degree in music. He lives in Southampton, Massachusetts with his wife (and business manager) Cristi. He also has a younger brother, Justin.
Anonymous6: why complain about pedo's when you are the one drawing ellie a 12yo girl, real or not it's the same concept right? no hate btw i love yur work freako XD
Anonymous8: Jeph is a huge drama queen who flaunted his self harm online for all it was worth. The comic is also huge with Social Justice Warriors in Tumblr because it is full of strong womyn who do everything they want and the male character is a push over doormat for them.
Freako could you do something for the latest Penny Arcade storyline?
Anonymous10: Yep. Never mind strips like 1198, 1199, 1334 and 1434 where people are nude and boning. Or 1366 where he makes a tentacle rape joke (with an alternate ending where the character enjoys it).
Anonymous12: Bitch bitch. It's not an unreasonable thing for someone to not like that little children are sexualized in any matter. Some people don't have a problem with that when it is just a drawing, sure. But him being upset when it is his character? This is reasonable. To react that this is sexualizing children- that is not unreasonable. Do you need to give a damn? Of course not. But don't give the guy a hard time for holding a reasonable opinion about child porn. Unless he's going to plan for someone to be in a car fire, don't throw a hissy-fit because someone is disgusted by loli.
fishmonger: @Anonymous: I think it counts as child porn in Canada, too. One of the artists here quit drawing because of it. I forget who it was (maybe Apostle or AwesomeArtist [who has actually started drawing again under a different name]), but I'm reasonably sure the statement is accurate.
fishmonger: @fishmonger: By "here," I meant this website. I should have said "one of the artists that was popular on this website" or something of that nature. My mistake.
Anonymous15: I am a fan of both QC and Freako and this whole scenario is amusing to me. Especially given the impression that Jeph considers QC to make readers consider "alternative" sexuality and other touchy subjects. At any rate, someone this accustomed to using the internet can get this mad at someone else on the internet? lol.
horribleartist: ^Yeah, fuckin' douchebag pinko liberal bleeding-heart sissies. Learn 2 Constitution ya dumbfucks.
And no, I am not saying that ironically. Srsly, America was the most prosperous nation for over two centuries because of the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution, until the liberals and Keynesians took over. And look at us now. When the people are armed, the gov't fears them and so tyranny is not so easy to implement, but we're getting there.
Anonymous18: @horribleartist: Shut the fuck up. America has only been the most prosperous (how the fuck are you qualifying that?) nation since the end of WW2. That's not two centuries. America wasn't even relevant as a power to anyone but itself until the dawn of the 20th century. And even then I'm sure things were just peachy with conservatives right? Never mind it's the conservatives who tried to break the nation in two to preserve the right to own slaves. Keep waxing poetic about the days of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. Or are you one of those assholes who can't get off the Gipper's dick?
You lost your fight for freedom the moment mainstream conservatism became nothing but firearms, God and the praise of willful ignorance.
The government doesn't fear bumfuck yokels from Wyoming who think they're Patrick Swayze. The fact that people like you think a gun is going to protect you against tyranny says volumes. The moment you start caring about a material weapon more than ideas is the moment you've already lost your war of freedom.
Typical conservatives. Constitution this, Constitution that and all too often the most ignorant about both it and the history of our country but the first to try and lecture others with their own biased misinformation about said topics.
horribleartist: I realize the idiocy of getting into a political debate on a porn site, but whatever, here goes.
You don't need to be a major world power, which for America only happened after WWII, to be a prosperous nation. America was at the forefront of economic, technological, and scientific development because the Constitution made government butt out of peoples' businesses. That, combined with the fact that we had sound money until the Federal Reserve came along (the value of the dollar has been destroyed by over 99% since 1913), meant that even the street bums were better off than the middle class of many countries (perhaps an exaggeration, but only slightly).
I mean, come on, due to inflation, for the first time in American history, the children will be worse off then their parents and grandparents! It's ridiculous.
And I can assure you I am anything but a mainstream conservative. I'm more of a libertarian. I may be religious (but not in the way you'd expect: I'm a muslim), and I may hold the second amendment in high regard, but I am anything but ignorant, and I hate those who are willfully so.
"When the government fears the people, there is freedom. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny". Yeah, the government has fucking tanks and drones and nukes and shit, but would you rather go up against fascist thugs with or without firearms? With guns, the chance of successful resistance goes way up. And I care little for material things compared to the ideas behind them: why, if government was proven by history to always be good for the people, I wouldn't fuckin' care about the 2nd amendment. But democide (the killing of people by government action) is the #1 killer since government was invented. Unless it's an era like the black plague. That was a rare exception, but only for the years the plague was in full swing.
Oh and I'm not arguing for slavery. I realize the founding fathers weren't perfect, but judging the past by the standards of our own time is a foolhardy, pointless exercise.
What the hell are you anyway, some Obamanoid liberal douche?
Anonymous23: @Anonymous10 Those strips are of adults, with no "true" nudity. No more than what is on day time telivision. The tentacle issue was of ROBOTS and tentacles and that was a guest week post it wasn't even him. If you're going to troll, learn to do it right moron.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Well, one of the males tolerates being pushed around. Others in the tale don't. The worthwhile subtext underneath the story arcs seems to be that all these characters are laboring their way toward their own maturity, adulthood. I find that story interesting. Now the only thing that would grow them up fast would be a major shift of their life's context. Joining the military could manage that -- for some of them. Others -- well, Failure To Adapt....
Anonymous25: "stupid conservatives care more about weapons than ideas!"
meanwhile, liberals are trying to ban both guns and free speech, which goes against literally every ideal this country was founded on. Self-determination, especially in matters of self-defense, and freedom in religion and speech make this country unique.
No, freedom doesn't mean some fucking 80-year old second grade teacher telling hunters they can't have guns because "what about the children", nor does it mean genderqueer obese trynswymyn of colyr telling university students that eating breakfast is racist because it appropriates fat (and therefore black) culture.
You want a single good reason to leave guns in the hands of responsible citizens? Look up Dr. William Petit, and tell me that if you were put in his situation, you'd rather not have a gun because of your stupid ideals.
Tell me that, then tell it to your wife and 11 year old daughter with a straight face.
Guns protect us from tyranny, just like they always have. Do you think we could have broken free from the British Empire without guns? Do you think we could have ended slavery in the US without guns? Do you think that we could have stopped Hitler without guns?
The reality is that someone will always have guns. Someone you don't like will always have guns. If you ban guns, you're not making them go away, you're just making sure that corrupt police, gang members, drug dealers, and insane Muslim terrorists have guns, because they don't care to follow the laws that apply to normal citizens.
If you keep guns legal, you ensure that at least normal citizens will have the ability to defend themselves from the above.
In any case, have fun suffering the same fate as William Petit if a few nice neighborhood guys come knocking at your door. Have fun intentionally letting yourself and your family be tortured and killed, all because you don't understand how statistics work and think that guns cause violence.
Have fun telling me that citing cases that have literally happened to normal people is an example of "paranoia". William Petit would surely agree.
Anonymous27: First time I comment on a porn site, and it's about politics. I can't believe how stupid Americans are. Liberals are PRO GUN and progressionists are AGAINST. Liberal is exactly what it is: liberal = freedom. Freedom to have guns, freedom to smoke weed (which is both liberal and progressive), no minimum wage, no higher taxes for the rich. That's what liberalism is about. What you guys call liberal is actually progressive and sometimes socialist. Socialist is the opposite of liberal, progressive of conservative. Right wing is liberal and conservative, left wing is socialist and progressive. As a result of that left wing is usually environmental and peaceful, and right is usually denominational and nationalistic.
Anonymous28: This picture and this comment section is a nice reminder to me why I absolutely despise most people on the internet. You (That includes Freako and everyone defending the picture) are toxic. You are childish, you have no respect, you are selfish, ignorant, obnoxious, I despise every single one of you. The argument "Well this is the internet" is absolute bullcrap because there's nice places on the internet, just not whereever you are. You destroy everything halfway decent for a few childish laughs, and I hate you for it. You, Freako, you better hope for a car fire, because you deserve worse, and so do the rest of you cunts.
tyciol: Jeph Jacques is an ignorant person. Samantha says "I'm fourteen" in and 14 is clearly pubescent, not prepubescent. Puberty begins at 9, she is half a decade past pedophilia.
LOL Someone who does a webcomic called Questionable Content is upset at the idea of someone making questionable content. I wish this was more pornographic. Maybe fingering herself a little.
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Freako could you do something for the latest Penny Arcade storyline?
I still read it, but one of those reasons has vanished.
And no, I am not saying that ironically. Srsly, America was the most prosperous nation for over two centuries because of the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution, until the liberals and Keynesians took over. And look at us now. When the people are armed, the gov't fears them and so tyranny is not so easy to implement, but we're getting there.
Sorry. Had to vent.
You lost your fight for freedom the moment mainstream conservatism became nothing but firearms, God and the praise of willful ignorance.
The government doesn't fear bumfuck yokels from Wyoming who think they're Patrick Swayze. The fact that people like you think a gun is going to protect you against tyranny says volumes. The moment you start caring about a material weapon more than ideas is the moment you've already lost your war of freedom.
Typical conservatives. Constitution this, Constitution that and all too often the most ignorant about both it and the history of our country but the first to try and lecture others with their own biased misinformation about said topics.
You don't need to be a major world power, which for America only happened after WWII, to be a prosperous nation. America was at the forefront of economic, technological, and scientific development because the Constitution made government butt out of peoples' businesses. That, combined with the fact that we had sound money until the Federal Reserve came along (the value of the dollar has been destroyed by over 99% since 1913), meant that even the street bums were better off than the middle class of many countries (perhaps an exaggeration, but only slightly).
I mean, come on, due to inflation, for the first time in American history, the children will be worse off then their parents and grandparents! It's ridiculous.
And I can assure you I am anything but a mainstream conservative. I'm more of a libertarian. I may be religious (but not in the way you'd expect: I'm a muslim), and I may hold the second amendment in high regard, but I am anything but ignorant, and I hate those who are willfully so.
"When the government fears the people, there is freedom. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny". Yeah, the government has fucking tanks and drones and nukes and shit, but would you rather go up against fascist thugs with or without firearms? With guns, the chance of successful resistance goes way up. And I care little for material things compared to the ideas behind them: why, if government was proven by history to always be good for the people, I wouldn't fuckin' care about the 2nd amendment. But democide (the killing of people by government action) is the #1 killer since government was invented. Unless it's an era like the black plague. That was a rare exception, but only for the years the plague was in full swing.
Oh and I'm not arguing for slavery. I realize the founding fathers weren't perfect, but judging the past by the standards of our own time is a foolhardy, pointless exercise.
What the hell are you anyway, some Obamanoid liberal douche?
meanwhile, liberals are trying to ban both guns and free speech, which goes against literally every ideal this country was founded on. Self-determination, especially in matters of self-defense, and freedom in religion and speech make this country unique.
No, freedom doesn't mean some fucking 80-year old second grade teacher telling hunters they can't have guns because "what about the children", nor does it mean genderqueer obese trynswymyn of colyr telling university students that eating breakfast is racist because it appropriates fat (and therefore black) culture.
You want a single good reason to leave guns in the hands of responsible citizens? Look up Dr. William Petit, and tell me that if you were put in his situation, you'd rather not have a gun because of your stupid ideals.
Tell me that, then tell it to your wife and 11 year old daughter with a straight face.
Guns protect us from tyranny, just like they always have. Do you think we could have broken free from the British Empire without guns? Do you think we could have ended slavery in the US without guns? Do you think that we could have stopped Hitler without guns?
The reality is that someone will always have guns. Someone you don't like will always have guns. If you ban guns, you're not making them go away, you're just making sure that corrupt police, gang members, drug dealers, and insane Muslim terrorists have guns, because they don't care to follow the laws that apply to normal citizens.
If you keep guns legal, you ensure that at least normal citizens will have the ability to defend themselves from the above.
In any case, have fun suffering the same fate as William Petit if a few nice neighborhood guys come knocking at your door. Have fun intentionally letting yourself and your family be tortured and killed, all because you don't understand how statistics work and think that guns cause violence.
Have fun telling me that citing cases that have literally happened to normal people is an example of "paranoia". William Petit would surely agree.
Fucking liberals.
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LOL Someone who does a webcomic called Questionable Content is upset at the idea of someone making questionable content. I wish this was more pornographic. Maybe fingering herself a little.
Hello from Kiwi Farms!