Anonymous1: quick course about tag. Tag use _ that mean the next word is also in the same tag, Space mean different tag. like if you tag Sakura_haruno will be tagged as Sakura haruno in one tag but if you tag Sakura Haruno without _ betwen thos 2 word it will be tagged as Sakura and Haruno as 2 different tag. your mistake was using _ betwen every word and the was taget as ''Sakura Naruto Iruden'' in one tag. it sould be at least 3 different tag and also they shoud use the complet name for sakura.
iruden: @Player-One: I´m sorry, Player-One.
I'm new to rule 34 and although I have read the rules was not sure if I had done well.
PD: Sorry also for my bad english x )
Player-One: @iruden: No problem. It's good to see new talent and I hope to see more of your work. Actually, I already contacted you about your commissions. c.c
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I'm new to rule 34 and although I have read the rules was not sure if I had done well.
PD: Sorry also for my bad english x )
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