kotsey: her arms are just under a blanket, though why the rest of her isnt' i don't understand, especially if the picture name is feeling chilly.
as for futahater, you see dicks on guys all the time in porn, why is seeing a dick so disgusting? human beings used to not wear clothes. other animals don't have such violent distinction between species as us (to our eyes). dogs dont' have big swolen tits for you to tell they're female. you see a male dog, which essentially looks like a female dog but with a penis, you don't throw up. so why do you throw up when you see a female human but with a penis? chill out a bit. it is just a picture, it can't hurt you, and there's nothing wrong with it existing. unless you're on your phone, thumbnails usually are large enough to tell you whether the chicks have dicks so you don't have to see the glorious full-sized meat.
uria13: @kotsey: dont bother, futa haters are naturally stupid they cant support their claim after a hate comment. It's like trying to explain 1+1=2 to a brick
I think the idea behind people disliking futa is that they like what women naturally have between their legs, a pussy, not a cock. Making the distinction between canine and human anatomy is a little asinine. Male and female humans look considerably different from one another compared to animals, which generally look the same in most cases.
I just don't see why people waste their time bitching about it, with all the fetishes and shit in the world, a dick on a "chick" isn't the worst of them. Not my cup of tea, wish there could be both versions, can't always get what you want.
JustiniZHere: once again, the people crying about futa never cease to make me laugh, it's funny how the same handful of people bitch every single picture on futa yet I never see them post on anything else.
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as for futahater, you see dicks on guys all the time in porn, why is seeing a dick so disgusting? human beings used to not wear clothes. other animals don't have such violent distinction between species as us (to our eyes). dogs dont' have big swolen tits for you to tell they're female. you see a male dog, which essentially looks like a female dog but with a penis, you don't throw up. so why do you throw up when you see a female human but with a penis? chill out a bit. it is just a picture, it can't hurt you, and there's nothing wrong with it existing. unless you're on your phone, thumbnails usually are large enough to tell you whether the chicks have dicks so you don't have to see the glorious full-sized meat.
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I think the idea behind people disliking futa is that they like what women naturally have between their legs, a pussy, not a cock. Making the distinction between canine and human anatomy is a little asinine. Male and female humans look considerably different from one another compared to animals, which generally look the same in most cases.
I just don't see why people waste their time bitching about it, with all the fetishes and shit in the world, a dick on a "chick" isn't the worst of them. Not my cup of tea, wish there could be both versions, can't always get what you want.
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