Anonymous1: Chris - Oww... You are to tight... You are bending my cock.
Sherry - Nngh almost in...
Chris - I... I don't want to hurt... you.
Sherry - Shut up you arse... condescending prick. I was running from oww... mutated dogs and spiders as a kid.
Chris - Sorry I...
Sherry - So don't fucking talk to me about getting agh... hurt.
Anonymous2(1): And bird songs are heard through the tranquil forest as Sherry slowly slides down Chris's thick shaft accompanied by Sherry's repressed yelps as her pussy, stretched beyond comfort protests the intrusion.
JillRedfield: - Chris has no luck with women on Rastafian's images. Each time, it seems to suffer.
In any case, Sherry Birkin seems motivated to get all Chris's cock in her.
Anonymous4: @ChrisValentine658: OMFG, dude, give it a REST! You nearly ruin every piece of RE erotica with your ridiculously rabid fan-boy lust. Seriously, give it a REST. Your PERCEIVED couple of Jill/Chris is but a fantasy. It is NOT canon, so stop your little tantrums whenever someone pairs Chris or Jill with someone else. Seriously, how old are you? 14? I happen to enjoy Sherry/Leon and this picture is STILL hot to me. It's possible to break out of that dark hole of being a bigoted fanboy, it really is.
And JillRedfield, though I appreciate your effort to remain neutral and praise the authors for their talents through the many RE erotica pics that you comment on, you can still be a little condescending at times. This image is no more a "phantasm of the author" than your beloved "Valenfield" as well. Your support for Chris/Jill is no more valid than this Chris/Sherry picture. So please, do not follow ChrisValentine658 into that rabbit-hole of bigotry.
Anonymous5(4): @Rastifan: Anyway, I don't know if you still read the comments that you receive or even visit rule34.paheal anymore, Rastifan, but excellent job on the photo and very hot written additions to add spice to the photo! Wherever you are now, just know that your works of RE and ME erotica are enjoyed!
Sherry - Nngh almost in...
Chris - I... I don't want to hurt... you.
Sherry - Shut up you arse... condescending prick. I was running from oww... mutated dogs and spiders as a kid.
Chris - Sorry I...
Sherry - So don't fucking talk to me about getting agh... hurt.
- Reply
PD: very good photo *-* incredible...
In any case, Sherry Birkin seems motivated to get all Chris's cock in her.
- Reply
This image is just a phantasm of the author, that's all.
And JillRedfield, though I appreciate your effort to remain neutral and praise the authors for their talents through the many RE erotica pics that you comment on, you can still be a little condescending at times. This image is no more a "phantasm of the author" than your beloved "Valenfield" as well. Your support for Chris/Jill is no more valid than this Chris/Sherry picture. So please, do not follow ChrisValentine658 into that rabbit-hole of bigotry.