Anonymous1: @El Maestro Misterio: I would pick Papi first simply because sex with her actually makes fucking sense. Snake body? Sure, you can coil around me but you're bound to strangle me. Horse body? I don't think I'm quite tall enough TO GET UP THERE. AT LEAST THE HARPY IS HUMAN-SHAPED!
Anonymous2(1): I would pick Papi first simply because sex with her actually makes fucking sense. Snake body? Sure, you can coil around me but you're bound to strangle me. Horse body? I don't think I'm quite tall enough TO GET UP THERE. AT LEAST THE HARPY IS HUMAN-SHAPED!
Anonymous4: you guys are only picking papi because she is one of the few characters that has an ass. but if you arent, who cares, we're all just here to whack it anyway
Anonymous7: Say what you want, but I'd honestly just let the snake coil wrapping happen and be completely fine with it. So I have a snake fetish. Sue me. Well, don't, because my lawyer and I hate each other, but SUE ME, DAMMIT!
Pyroking: I choose the compromise route. In fact, I also pick the shipper route. Ship the girls with each-other and everyone's happy (Centorea with Rachnera, Papi with Suu, and whatever else one can think of).
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