PonyLove: Lol I don't believe in god or the devil, or any other imagined friend or foe. Damn Christians are stupid. All religions-dumb ass shit... Now shut up and laugh at the art.
Anonymous11: @PonyLove FYI people treat you like a turd online and IRL because you're an insufferable retard, not for your entirely typical personal beliefs. ITT: super edgy guys that could cut you with their wit if they weren't so busy dragging their knuckles.
sigma13: Actually, the rules go more like this:
Step one: Find a character you think is cute/sexy.
Step two: Draw that character in a way that looks absolutely nothing like the source material.
Step three: ???
Step four: PROFIT
Anonymous18(17): She should put her penis in her vagina and feed it through her body to push through her mouth and then put it up in her ass and feed it through her body to push through her mouth again.
Anonymous19: @anonymous8 I find it funny how you begin by saying you hate him because he's an atheist and then you completely contradict yourself by saying he's Satanist. wow, great job. Maybe if you payed attention at school you would understand that atheists don't worship satan, and nor do satanists.
flopchoppygeezel: fuck you! fuck you all! die all gay!!! all the fucking gays in this world would be die die die die die die die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RedPanda48: @Anonymous: lol yea, I'm a Christian too, some people take religion too far, like that one guy at the top of the comments. Anyone can believe in what they want to believe, and I believe in God. Even though I am on this website... hope I go to heaven still.
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Sometimes it does, but that is just the personal view of the artist, not a necessity for rule34.
But the best of it does. :3
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also pony you have just made me decide to get and account.
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Step one: Find a character you think is cute/sexy.
Step two: Draw that character in a way that looks absolutely nothing like the source material.
Step three: ???
Step four: PROFIT
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