Black19Yellow44: Complaining about a game where Link, a long standing video game hero spends about a third of his time transforming into a wolf.
I get that some people are upset about characters made by the artists or other people which have no real link to the characters made by the game designers.
But I find it humorous all the same that the people who rant about this sort of selfish fantasy fulfillment of inserting someone's OC are looking for sexually debauched pictures of video game characters in order to fulfill their own sexually fantasies and expecting the people who draw such things to have some sort of honor code against adding OC's.
No less on Rule 34, famed for having all sorts of porn of all sorts of tastes.
Anonymous7: Even though I don't care if something is furry or not, this sonic art-style just doesn't work with the realistic anatomy of midna and the shading and stuff.
Black19Yellow44: @Anonymous: Would you me happier if the perhaps who created the OC wasn't a virgin or a retard? By the way, my props to you on your intel gathering. I personally had no way of knowing those details about someone I've never met. Please put me in contact with your guy.
Anonymous9: @Black19Yellow44:
That logic makes no fucking sense. Just because link turns into an actual beast, that gives the okay to insert random anthropomorphic animals that aren't even Link? Does enjoying Twilight Princess make one a furry? You dumb attractive and successful African.
Nonetheless, OC's are the ultimate faggotry and most people here have objectively shit taste, and everyone is free to criticize, this site isn't a hugbox you autist.
If I may though, you need to work on your attempted insults. I could be black, gay and autistic, but I really don't have much control about my genetic makeup so how is that suppose to make me feel bad? Calling me dumb was at least a decent try though.
Sadly you misunderstood me first statement. I was addressing the first part of the concern, furries. My second part addressed that of OC's. You made the mistake of assuming it was a single issue incapable of being address seperately. There are furries, there are OC's and there are furry OC's. The way you address the concern is actually quite limited as it only applies to the smallest group of those three.
And no, liking Twilight Princess does not make you a furry. Much like how liking the Legend of Zelda franchise does not make you a fan of Nintendo, a harcore gamer, or a medieval fantasy fan. But, I can't help but think that people who like Legend of Zelda are at the very least tolerant of all three. So why would people who obviously enjoy seeing porn of a character from Twilight Princess who spend most of her time riding a wolf, the subject of which has been eroticized often here, partaking in a furry encounter? Your informed opinion and thoughts would be appreciated on this matter.
On the matter of how OC's are the ultimate faggotry, shall I assume then that you believe Opala, Osira, and Farah are also an exercise in faggotry? Seeing as how they are OC's of a porn artist, whom then somehow got the funds to create not one but two games based off them. Here is a link if you need it.
And lastly for now, you are correct, everyone is free to criticize. That is what I did. I criticized the views of people for their shows of hypocrisy. What most people did was closer to insult than criticism, since critism required an actual effort to point out merits and flaws. You know, effort. As for being a hugboxer (I may use that term more often, thank you), may I ask how much porn you think is made thanks to support and how much is made thanks to insults?
Responses and thoughts welcome as always, sorry about the post size.
Anonymous10: You are nitpicking, though the previous anons haven't been wording their post correctly, the main point of the criticism has been the OC. You seem to be missing the real point, and even then maybe they aren't being hypocritical, this is the human version of midna, I see nothing furry about the drawing except for the OC, do you?
Black19Yellow44: Since this seems to be mostly just about the furry part, I will limit this to that.
Let me see if I have this correct from your response. You believe the cursed form of Midna is furry? And that people are upset because this is a furry creature, an OC no less, banging a non-furry Midna? Because from your section 'this is the human version of midna, I see nothing furry about the drawing except for the OC, do you?' it sounds like that is what you are implying. Are you then suggesting people would not be upset if this OC were taking her cursed form? And that people would be very upset if Wolf- were in the OC's place.
I could be off, so please feel free to correct me.
Anonymous12(10): Maybe they would, saying "Furfaggot OC" obviously implies they are displeased with the fact that the OC, is an OC, and furry. To answer the last question, again maybe they would be upset that a furry creature is in the picture, they haven't given any evidence of them making exceptions for the rest of the furry creatures. It isn't correct to just assume they are being hypocrites. I don't know if I can dumb it down anymore.
Anonymous14: Let's just get this straight. As cool as it is that someone's actually trying to break this down with reason, there's no getting through to these people.
Anons, specifically these kinds of anons, would bitch and moan about anything that was in this picture, especially if it wasn't Link or something Legend of Zelda related, possibly even Nintendo related. If it was a character from a completely different company, they would bitch. If it was a different furry character, they would bitch.
These people don't like OCs because they don't know who the OC is, for one, and it's not just a generic looking person they can easily replace themselves with in their fantasies. The OC means someone's already done that, and it makes it harder for them to have their own selfish pleasure, so they're pissed off someone did it openly, before them is all.
The people who complain about the furry, there's really nothing that can be done for them, since they probably would still love the picture if it was wolf link. Those who wouldn't, whatever.
Ultimately, no one who's complaining about this "on the criticisms" of the OC are of any consequence. They're not critiquing the piece, just slamming it for the content not being of their liking, so who gives a crap? I didn't draw this image for anyone but the commissioner, so, really, let them be upset~ I personally get a kick out of it.
Anonymous15(10): What's going on in here? I just gotta say its just a little insecure that a person would pay someone to draw their oc self-insert fucking a video game character. I don't like the oc, that is all. ^Also you have a very low opinon of people don't you
Anonymous17(14): I've got a really low opinion of the idiots that go around openly complaining about content they don't like, throwing around insults like babies to the point that I wonder if any of them are even of age to view porn, because they certainly aren't any kind of mature.
It's not my concern about anyone's supposed insecurities, though someone getting an image of their OC fucking someone else doesn't say anything about their confidence or security. No more than the people that fap to porn in general, since 90% of them insert themselves through their imagination.
Also it says you're Anon 10 because apparently you are?
KingBadass: Though they may sound stupid, they have the right to express their opinions. That is what a comment section is for, or did you forget?
It IS a little insecure that some people self-insert themselves, other people, NORMAL PEOPLE keep it to their imagination, but others no they have to take it farther. They have to PHYSICLY manifest themselves (or who they see themselves as(or pay someone else to do it)) into the porn. I agree with the Anti-Oc group, it's pretty fucking insecure.
Anonymous18(14): KingBadass: It's maybe insecure if they take that their OCs seriously and actually use them as fictional personifications of themselves. Which isn't always the case, as not all OCs are Personas and represent the creator's self. And even when they do, not all creators are insecure and take their own creations so seriously.
In such cases were such characters are self inserts, "Normal people" keeping it in their imagination isn't necessarily 'better' than the people that go out and do it themselves because it all leads to the same thing, self gratification. It's once these people throw out their own inserts in everyone's face, putting them on display and go attention grabbing, getting hurt when people don't like it, is it proven to show insecurity.
Sure these people have the right to express their opinion, and no one's forgotten that. But they don't have the right to asylum from consequences. Thus, anyone has the right to their opinions about the people that commented and they have the right to express those too.
When it comes down to it, they're insignificant, vocally complaining about the contents of a picture, one they didn't pay for and was never made with them in mind, where they believe to have some silly moral high ground, when the fact is, they just don't like someone else actually doing in the picture what they were going to do, and a furry no less. They have that right to complain, sure. The people they're complaining about also have the right to not give a damn. And it seems like they don't, considering this is a thing that's never going to stop happening.
Black19Yellow44: Wow, I take a couple weeks off and I'm actually sort of pleased with what I have seen. Actual discussion on the topic. Always good to see.
Little bits and pieces here.
Ten, if you could, would you be a dear and find one post that someone made some time ago where they express their displeasure at Wolf Link fucking Midna specifically because he is a wolf? There are a plentiful amount of such pictures and one such post would greatly improve your standing in that people who disliked furries are just as displeased of Link's beast form. As it is, I feel that unless you can give some evidence to support your theory, the mere fact that people seem to like a canon form of Midna is enough proof to reasonably think they would approve of any canon form of Link.
King, if I may, does this also mean you think artists themselves are insecure? Afterall, they create their own original pieces, sometimes based off other people's work sometimes based on their own. What of when they create scenarios and stories that pre-existing characters were never in before, break canon and have them do things theyhave never done at the behest of some wild fantasy, forcing these characters to manifest in the way they desire? What of someone who created an entirely OC world, using only chracters and situations they have thought up. Are these all forms of insecurity if anyone is shown the creation? Certainly, some do it for approval of others, in fact that is no doubt it is some part of what many do it for. But to assume that the entire meaning for making a physical form of anything that begins purely ethereal in your mind is always that of reinforcing one's ego is difficult to accept.
There are hundreds of Midna pictures with no OC's in them at all. Many drawn freely by artists without any original characters added. Hundreds for people to enjoy at no cost, with no effort. Is it then so terrible that when one should give something back the artists who have given us so much, that they may receive something special for themselves?
KingBadass: I do not think artists themselves are insecure, though there must be at least more than one. I don't see many problems with OC's anymore, so maybe things have changed a bit, but I still hold firm to my views on this OC though. I have no idea what it is, it's like it's forcing my eye to focus upon it, and what I see digusts me (that may be a little harsher than what I meant). I guess most of my vexation comes from experinces with Mary-sues, but I still think the OC can at least be tweaked a bit so it looks a bit more natural, and in turn, draw my eye back to midna, where it should be. To tell you the truth, I was just replying to arguments that were flawed or just plain stupid, which you, judging by your comments, seem to have a history of.
Black19Yellow44: @KingBadass: A fair response and apologies for taking so long to do anything in return. You are right on how a good deal if not most of my commenting is in regards to bringing some attention to flaws in viewpoints and other such things.
I can understand that OC's do have a bad rep as Mary Sue's and sadly a huge chunk of them are exactly that. It is a fair and valid point to make and I respect your stance on it. Honestly, I may be too lenient simply because my kinks are quite wide and many times I like to expand on them and give the benefit of the doubt.
Sadly I don't have much more to offer on the topic and I figure it is pretty much dead anyway. Moved on to newer pictures. I suppose one lingering thing, for anyone who might come upon this in months or years from now. Did anyone notice the color scheme for their eyes and skin/fur was the same? Makes me wonder.
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though he prefers to cut them open and remove their innards first.
then he blamed its death on the mother.
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I get that some people are upset about characters made by the artists or other people which have no real link to the characters made by the game designers.
But I find it humorous all the same that the people who rant about this sort of selfish fantasy fulfillment of inserting someone's OC are looking for sexually debauched pictures of video game characters in order to fulfill their own sexually fantasies and expecting the people who draw such things to have some sort of honor code against adding OC's.
No less on Rule 34, famed for having all sorts of porn of all sorts of tastes.
But whatever.
What's stupid about it is the fact it's some virgin retard's OC at all.
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That logic makes no fucking sense. Just because link turns into an actual beast, that gives the okay to insert random anthropomorphic animals that aren't even Link? Does enjoying Twilight Princess make one a furry? You dumb attractive and successful African.
Nonetheless, OC's are the ultimate faggotry and most people here have objectively shit taste, and everyone is free to criticize, this site isn't a hugbox you autist.
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If I may though, you need to work on your attempted insults. I could be black, gay and autistic, but I really don't have much control about my genetic makeup so how is that suppose to make me feel bad? Calling me dumb was at least a decent try though.
Sadly you misunderstood me first statement. I was addressing the first part of the concern, furries. My second part addressed that of OC's. You made the mistake of assuming it was a single issue incapable of being address seperately. There are furries, there are OC's and there are furry OC's. The way you address the concern is actually quite limited as it only applies to the smallest group of those three.
And no, liking Twilight Princess does not make you a furry. Much like how liking the Legend of Zelda franchise does not make you a fan of Nintendo, a harcore gamer, or a medieval fantasy fan. But, I can't help but think that people who like Legend of Zelda are at the very least tolerant of all three. So why would people who obviously enjoy seeing porn of a character from Twilight Princess who spend most of her time riding a wolf, the subject of which has been eroticized often here, partaking in a furry encounter? Your informed opinion and thoughts would be appreciated on this matter.
On the matter of how OC's are the ultimate faggotry, shall I assume then that you believe Opala, Osira, and Farah are also an exercise in faggotry? Seeing as how they are OC's of a porn artist, whom then somehow got the funds to create not one but two games based off them. Here is a link if you need it.
And lastly for now, you are correct, everyone is free to criticize. That is what I did. I criticized the views of people for their shows of hypocrisy. What most people did was closer to insult than criticism, since critism required an actual effort to point out merits and flaws. You know, effort. As for being a hugboxer (I may use that term more often, thank you), may I ask how much porn you think is made thanks to support and how much is made thanks to insults?
Responses and thoughts welcome as always, sorry about the post size.
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Let me see if I have this correct from your response. You believe the cursed form of Midna is furry? And that people are upset because this is a furry creature, an OC no less, banging a non-furry Midna? Because from your section 'this is the human version of midna, I see nothing furry about the drawing except for the OC, do you?' it sounds like that is what you are implying. Are you then suggesting people would not be upset if this OC were taking her cursed form? And that people would be very upset if Wolf- were in the OC's place.
I could be off, so please feel free to correct me.
Anons, specifically these kinds of anons, would bitch and moan about anything that was in this picture, especially if it wasn't Link or something Legend of Zelda related, possibly even Nintendo related. If it was a character from a completely different company, they would bitch. If it was a different furry character, they would bitch.
These people don't like OCs because they don't know who the OC is, for one, and it's not just a generic looking person they can easily replace themselves with in their fantasies. The OC means someone's already done that, and it makes it harder for them to have their own selfish pleasure, so they're pissed off someone did it openly, before them is all.
The people who complain about the furry, there's really nothing that can be done for them, since they probably would still love the picture if it was wolf link. Those who wouldn't, whatever.
Ultimately, no one who's complaining about this "on the criticisms" of the OC are of any consequence. They're not critiquing the piece, just slamming it for the content not being of their liking, so who gives a crap? I didn't draw this image for anyone but the commissioner, so, really, let them be upset~ I personally get a kick out of it.
It's not my concern about anyone's supposed insecurities, though someone getting an image of their OC fucking someone else doesn't say anything about their confidence or security. No more than the people that fap to porn in general, since 90% of them insert themselves through their imagination.
Also it says you're Anon 10 because apparently you are?
It IS a little insecure that some people self-insert themselves, other people, NORMAL PEOPLE keep it to their imagination, but others no they have to take it farther. They have to PHYSICLY manifest themselves (or who they see themselves as(or pay someone else to do it)) into the porn. I agree with the Anti-Oc group, it's pretty fucking insecure.
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In such cases were such characters are self inserts, "Normal people" keeping it in their imagination isn't necessarily 'better' than the people that go out and do it themselves because it all leads to the same thing, self gratification. It's once these people throw out their own inserts in everyone's face, putting them on display and go attention grabbing, getting hurt when people don't like it, is it proven to show insecurity.
Sure these people have the right to express their opinion, and no one's forgotten that. But they don't have the right to asylum from consequences. Thus, anyone has the right to their opinions about the people that commented and they have the right to express those too.
When it comes down to it, they're insignificant, vocally complaining about the contents of a picture, one they didn't pay for and was never made with them in mind, where they believe to have some silly moral high ground, when the fact is, they just don't like someone else actually doing in the picture what they were going to do, and a furry no less. They have that right to complain, sure. The people they're complaining about also have the right to not give a damn. And it seems like they don't, considering this is a thing that's never going to stop happening.
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Little bits and pieces here.
Ten, if you could, would you be a dear and find one post that someone made some time ago where they express their displeasure at Wolf Link fucking Midna specifically because he is a wolf? There are a plentiful amount of such pictures and one such post would greatly improve your standing in that people who disliked furries are just as displeased of Link's beast form. As it is, I feel that unless you can give some evidence to support your theory, the mere fact that people seem to like a canon form of Midna is enough proof to reasonably think they would approve of any canon form of Link.
King, if I may, does this also mean you think artists themselves are insecure? Afterall, they create their own original pieces, sometimes based off other people's work sometimes based on their own. What of when they create scenarios and stories that pre-existing characters were never in before, break canon and have them do things theyhave never done at the behest of some wild fantasy, forcing these characters to manifest in the way they desire? What of someone who created an entirely OC world, using only chracters and situations they have thought up. Are these all forms of insecurity if anyone is shown the creation? Certainly, some do it for approval of others, in fact that is no doubt it is some part of what many do it for. But to assume that the entire meaning for making a physical form of anything that begins purely ethereal in your mind is always that of reinforcing one's ego is difficult to accept.
There are hundreds of Midna pictures with no OC's in them at all. Many drawn freely by artists without any original characters added. Hundreds for people to enjoy at no cost, with no effort. Is it then so terrible that when one should give something back the artists who have given us so much, that they may receive something special for themselves?
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I can understand that OC's do have a bad rep as Mary Sue's and sadly a huge chunk of them are exactly that. It is a fair and valid point to make and I respect your stance on it. Honestly, I may be too lenient simply because my kinks are quite wide and many times I like to expand on them and give the benefit of the doubt.
Sadly I don't have much more to offer on the topic and I figure it is pretty much dead anyway. Moved on to newer pictures. I suppose one lingering thing, for anyone who might come upon this in months or years from now. Did anyone notice the color scheme for their eyes and skin/fur was the same? Makes me wonder.
Safe travels, everyone.