Roflcakes: Dat feel when you started watching the show because you liked the porn, then the show got stale and you reverted back to only giving a fuck about the porn.
Nuxersopus: @Smudge_Proof: Actually, I liked season 3 too. Except for the last episode, that one was just awful. Equestria Girls wasn't so bad either.
I guess the Magical Mystery Cure just went like this because it was rushed.
So, all in all the writers still did an awesome job. I am almost looking forward to season 4.
Lapp: @Smudge_Proof: It's not that it was bad, not at all! My criticism is how far a departure FiM has undertaken since Season1, not that it's bad at what it now is; I just liked what Season1 was much more. They're 2 different creatures, for better or worse!
Smudge_Proof: @Lapp: I would personally rather the show take risks and changes, than hitting the reset button at the end of every 'sode. We have seen these ponies grow as characters as well! Whether or not it is well handled, that is of course subject of debate.
Of course, that's no guarantee at all that eventually it won't turn to poop, but so far, I have personally not seen a sign of that.
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Go away and stop telling me these horrible lies!
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I think the season 3 finale was very well handled.
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I guess the Magical Mystery Cure just went like this because it was rushed.
So, all in all the writers still did an awesome job. I am almost looking forward to season 4.
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Of course, that's no guarantee at all that eventually it won't turn to poop, but so far, I have personally not seen a sign of that.
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I suck. :(
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