Voslar: May not be the best place for it, but here, since it was requested a ways back.
A copy of all the various text bricks I've written for this site, as well as a few of the unfinished / unposted ones I couldn't bring myself to throw away.
Voslar: Just in case you're listening, I'm 2/3rds done with the Trixie story, which is turning into more of a fic than a brick. Progress delayed somewhat by my friend drunkenly showing up and revealing his wife asked him for a divorce.
A copy of all the various text bricks I've written for this site, as well as a few of the unfinished / unposted ones I couldn't bring myself to throw away.
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@Voslar: Aaaaaaand insta-bookmarked.
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Also toying around with a Vinyl / Octavia threesome.
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I should fix my motivational issues and finish Gomenasai's commission already. I know he's patient, but I don't want this to be HL3.
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Saw the fic on the pastebin, fukken swack as hell mang.
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