Anonymous2: ^Except Vega always sucks. A steretypical musclehead-douchebag and cringeworthy vato-wannabe to boot, just a terribly annoying character - him and daftly token airhead Allers can fuck off.
Anonymous3(2): @c0pz: People who like Vega think that Dick Van Dyke did an acceptable Englishman impression...that's how cringeworthy Vega's vato act is. And it's not 'hate', that's too strong of a word and makes you look like an overly-defensive airhead standing up for her man, LMAO, it's just dislike of an objectively daft character.
Anonymous5: Am I the only one who notices Shepard and Vega seem to have.....melded together around the shoulder area? Or is my eyesight just going bad?
Anonymous6: Cool, extremely well painted. But I'm not hot for two guys making love (maybe just a tiny teency bit) I love woman too much to devote my love to the bodies of men. I like woman. I'd love to see something like this (WELL PAINTED) for Liara and femshep. :)
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: Nah man... the hand holding James' leg is his own, while the glowy blue hand is Shepard's. Vega's right arm can be distinguished from Shepard's elbow by the blue edge lighting.
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Amazing art skills over here