Anonymous6: Wow.. this fucker sure has a boner for seeing femShep beaten, humiliated and dying a painful death. Whatever floats your boat I guess- but fuck. Like she haven't had enough of shit already.
Morgaine: My view on erotic death is hey, we all have to die sometime. Though I'd prefer to go out with an orgasm or five.
Still, to each their own. No need to rage.
Anonymous9(6): @Morgaine: Only this one is straight up about torture and dying painfully. This story has her strung up and scorching to death in the sun.
Morgaine: @Anonymous: Yeah but like I said everybody has their own fetishes. Admittedly I might be a little more upset had Bioware not already completely ruined the character for me.
Anonymous13: To be fair, it's realistic. Nobody but Shep's love interests would ever bang her without being torn to shreds. Rape is the only way someone would have the balls, which would require nailing her down. However if they don't kill her, they'll regret it.
Still, to each their own. No need to rage.
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