Anonymous2: Ron Paul is an insane conspiracy theorist who was against the voting rights act,civil rights act,clean air act,and americans with disabilities act. He supports lowering the minimum wage to $6 an hour despite a living wage being in the $12 an hour zone at the moment. He's against regulations that protect the american worker. He's also against tougher gun laws despite the fact that america has some of the highest murder rates in the western world. Ron Paul was supported by Neo-Nazis and the KKK in 2008,the paultards either support him because they are racists like him,or they are desperate for their heroin fix and need someone to legalize it.
Screamshot: @Anonymous: Clearly you're not ready for the truth spouting everything the talking heads endorse. Your awakening will be rude indeed...Enjoy...
Chef_Retardee: @Anonymous: Eric, stop wasting company time. You've spent 45 minutes on this site so far today, get back to work. Besides, I checked your hard drive, you can't fit much more porn on there.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous2: Haha! Man, you are seriously addicted to the kool-aid aren't you? You're obviously a bleeding heart Liberal who feels like they have some moral superiority. The Black Panthers supported Obama in both elections, and were standing in front of voter booth trying to intimidate the "white people" because they want them to vote for him. It is called voter intimidation, and THAT my dear deluded one is unethical and wrong, plus they used racial tactics, but I bet you don't care about that. As long at it contributed to your messiah returning to office, you're willing to look the other way while it happens. Hypocrisy at its worst. However, you wanna know what? After all that, I do not believe that since they supported Obama, that Obama is racist, nor do I believe that all of Obama supporters are racist against white people. So take you're race card you liberals like to use so damn much when you can't make a logical point, because it doesn't work anymore. Racism is not as rampant as people claim it is. So that problem lies specifically with you. Your logic is flawed, go home before you hurt yourself.
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>He's also against tougher gun laws
Good, I don't like Paul, but fucking good anyway.
Don't thread on me motherfucker.