Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. UploaderUltraFagnus, March 26, 2008; 07:39Tags3U, Legend_of_Zelda, Princess_Zelda, The_Wind_Waker, Toon_ZeldaSource LinkUnknownLockedNoInfo370x490 // 200KB // png March 30, 2008; 10:26 - Reply Anonymous1: wind waker's hot April 15, 2008; 08:02 - Reply TJF588: Much better than that damn Dijone (sp?) hairstyle. May 22, 2008; 02:21 - Reply Anonymous2: hawtt December 21, 2008; 09:14 - Reply Dark_Anon24: I love it. She's begging for more! Motto, motto kudasaiii! December 23, 2008; 14:57 - Reply Anonymous3: toon zelda is hotter then the others December 23, 2008; 14:59 - Reply Anonymous4: but she's still a child? December 26, 2008; 05:53 - Reply Anonymous5: yeah, shes 11 February 13, 2009; 22:41 - Reply Anonymous6: Fucking hot for an 11 year old. I would fuck her anyways. June 15, 2009; 14:24 - Reply Anonymous7: ha i already did August 6, 2009; 11:40 - Reply Mama__Luigi: :-D i love this pic August 29, 2009; 18:28 - Reply Anonymous8: anon6 Why don't you take a seat over there. August 29, 2009; 18:37 - Reply Anonymous9: ………………………………………„„-^*''''*^~^*'''*^-„„ …………………………………….„-^*''::::::::::„„„-~-„„~-*-„„-^*~~-„„ ………………………………..„-^*''::::„„„-::::„„-~~-„„::~-„„::::/:::-~^:*^-„ …………………………….„-*':::::::::„-^*::-„„:::~-„„::-„:\:::\:/::„„„„-~:::::'\ ………………………….../::::::::„-~^^::::^~-„:*-„::\::|:„-*-„/„:::::::::::„„-::'\ …………………………../::::::::/::-~~-„„::-„::'\::|„„-*' . . . . *-„::::„„„-~^:::| ………………………….|::::::::~~-„„____„„„-~^* . . . . . . . . *-„:::::::-„\:| ………………………….|:::::„-^*''¯ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'\::::^-„:-„\ ………………………….|::::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'|::::~-„„:'| …………………………..\:::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \:::~-„„„:| ……………………………\::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\:::::::„-'„ …………………………….*-| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „„-~~~~-„„ . . .'\::::/ /''\'\ ……………………………...-| . „„-~~~~-„ . . . . „-*„-^*''o¯¯'''''*' . . . \:/ / . | | ……………………………...'\| .*^^*'''¯o¯'''*-„ . . . ,''*^~~^*'' . . . . . . | .\*-„ '| …………………………….....| . *^~~-~^*'' .| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .| ./-~./ ……………………………….\'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'| . . /' ………………………………...| . . . . . . .„- ' . . . .*^„ . . . . . . . . . . '|*^*' I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC.. …………………………………*-„ . . . . . \„-„„_„„-^^-* . . . . . . . . . . .'| ........Why don't you have a seat over there anon 6 and b_haive ……………………………………\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '| …………………………………….'\ . . . „„_„„-~--~^*''''''. . . . . . . . . / .\ ……………………………………...\ . . . .''*^~~~^^* . . . . . . . . . '/ . . \-„-„ ……………………………………….''-„ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .„-* . . . | . \''*-„„ ………………………………………….*-„ . . . . . . . . . . . . „„-^'' . . . . / . . 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January 3, 2010; 05:38 - Reply Anonymous12: damn she's soooooo sexy and young. February 4, 2010; 23:21 - Reply Xelaaredn: Hmm, unless someone can prove it's meant to be Tetra and not her granddaughter (Princess Zelda of Spirit Tracks) then this should not be tagged as Tetra or Wind Waker. I'm not going to change it, but I think it should be... February 5, 2010; 21:50 - Reply Anonymous13: Anonymous 9 wins. May 28, 2010; 18:33 - Reply Anonymous14: Xelaaredn, this pic was made even before Phantom Hourglass came out. It's Tetra, the only incarnation of Princess Zelda I find likable. August 7, 2010; 07:57 - Reply Anonymous15: well its form 3 years ago ... September 4, 2010; 08:41 - Reply RandomGuyNamedChuck: Anon9 has just won the "epic comment of the year" award. And anon14 you didn't like Twilight Zelda? Get the fuck out. July 1, 2011; 05:26 - Reply Anonymous16: LOL, anon9 just made my day about 10 times better. August 28, 2011; 12:01 - Reply Anonymous17: Ive been jacking off to this for 3 years now! November 18, 2011; 17:39 - Reply Anonymous18: omg anon 17 February 11, 2012; 16:39 - Reply Anonymous19: we need a separate tag for toon zelda February 17, 2012; 00:37 - Reply Anonymous20(19): DAMN, THAT'S HOT July 3, 2012; 07:39 - Reply Anonymous21: Ikr anon 19 August 7, 2013; 21:25 - Reply Anonymous22: @Anonymous: pedo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Report an ad?
Motto, motto kudasaiii!
- Reply
Why don't you take a seat over there.
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and young.