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TagsDante, Devil_May_Cry, MatCreatesStuff, Trish, crossover
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Anonymous1: I hear a shitstorm blowing
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Anonymous2(1): disregard that I suck dicks
just saw this was posted earlier
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O_Rly: Not this shit again.
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champofgalacticretards: @O Rly: Why? This is hot to me.
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O_Rly: I'm not going to bother explaining. Forget it.
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Anonymous3: Hopefully this is the final version so that we never speak of this awful drawing. Trish you're drunk go home.
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champofgalacticretards: @O Rly: Okay, sweetie
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Anonymous4(3): @Cculber007 most of the fans hates the reboot and in particular Donte. Now if you want to knwo why then Google it or search Deviantart. The few "people" that:

a) like Donte
b) prefer him to Dante
c) enjoy both universes

are in a very small minority.

Kinof of like those who tolerate the Star Wars Prequels. In other words they are hipsters.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonb3: I know that few haters don't like reboot games, movies, and cartoons. I know i do not like Man of Steel, new "Star Trek", Ulimate Spiderman, and other media issues because they are not same as original characters they supposed to be but we have no choice but accept their shits.
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Anonymous5: I meant to finish this piece eons ago. I'm moving on to bigger business. Later!
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BrickShitHouse: I honestly think it's hilarious how people got so goddamn riled up about this.
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Anonymous6(3): @ Cculber007 Not really. By choosing not buy,see, or read said reboot for whatever medium you choose to indulge in,then the big studios will realize that they made a huge mistake pissing off the people that are responsible for them.

Also I hate the word 'haters' It implies that one is hating for no good damn reason which is not the case here.

@ BrickShitHouse I assume it is because you may have no connection to the series. For example,I don't care about the controversy surrounding the mass Effect 3 ending but I also don't belittle them either. Why? because someday some IP you care about will be ruined and if it one that I don't give a fuck about,then great.
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Knockers: I like both Dantes and both DmC universes. I also like new Trek and old Trek, MoS and the first two original movies, and a lot of other "new and old". Why and how? Because I'm not a whiny little shit who decrees that "YOU ARE NO TRUE FAN IF YOU LIKE WHAT IS NOT THE ORIGINAL! YOU CANNOT LIKE WHAT I HATE! IF YOU'RE NOT WITH US, THEN YOU'RE AGAINST US! THERE IS NO SHADE OF GRAY, ONLY THE STARKEST BLACK AND WHITE!".

There are few things worse than the "purists" who act like no one should be able to do a new take on an old character or story, that it should remain the exact same forever and ever and drive everyone away because it became stale and boring, and can't accept that everything changes. No, not everyone is going to like the changes, but if you don't evolve and adapt you die. And no matter what you do somebody is going to whine and complain, so go ahead and try something new or different.
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Anonymous7: Remember kids, if you don't like someone disliking something you like, don't insult, mock, or attack them.
You are not making yourself better than them.
You are making yourself lower.
Captain Lesson away.
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Anonymous8(3): @Knockers You clearly do not know what you are talking about and are talking right out of your ass.

Why the hell are you bringing up Star Trek and all of this other bullshit that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I don't care about what other series and spin offs you like. It is not relevant.

So you like the DmC universe which rips off various other sources from Bleach with Hollow Vorgin,Panty and Stocking,and the movie They Live just to name a few.

In DmC's case it did nothing new or different. At least I am not a blind little sheep who eats and devours whatever these greedy companies produce.

Go fuck yourself.
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Knockers: @Anonymous8(3): I brought it up because Cculber007 did as part of his whining about how no one should ever like anything new. Try reading the entire comment section next time.

Why? Because I like something you don't? Does people enjoying things you hate make you that filled with rage? Try going outside once in a while, it's just a video game.
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Thumper: @Knockers: meh, outside sucks; you know, oftentimes there's this glowing thing in the sky that burns your skin, and stings your eyes when you try to look at it!
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Anonymous9: Now that's no way to talk about your mother!
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Anonymous10(3): @ knockers people enjoying and supporting garbage annoy me especially if they cannot properly defend themselves or it means that we will see more and more of it and less and less stuff that push the boundaries. Nothing more nothing less.

Nice try but I already do go out for daily walks outside the house. Comments such as "it's a video game" are dumb ass remarks to deflect criticism.
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Anonymous11: Dumbass*
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Knockers: @Anon10: Not really. Video games are entertainment, if you have that much vested in them it's time to take a break and remember that there's more to life than them.

And I said I liked how Donte looks, not that I liked the game. In fact I find the game very bleh and hope Capcom goes back to the original series. But I'd still fuck Donte's brains out because I find him hot.
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Anonymous12(3): @ Knockers Well maybe for some people life sucks and that is their only safe heaven.
Well if you find Donte hot enough to fuck then I really hope that you don't mind catching all sorts of STDs.
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Knockers: He's half-angel half-demon, no human STDs are going to survive in his body.
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Anonymous13(3): @Knockers. Doesn't mean that there are STDs for demons. True Blood for example has their own version of diseases that only affect vampires.
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: If that's the case then Dante would have them but they would effect humans, only other Nephilim, Angels or Demons.
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Anonymous15: What monster drugged Trish
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Anonymous16(15): Either this is an impostor Trish, a very drugged up or drunken Trish, or maybe Trish just (not sure if I should add unfortunately..........) thinks that Ninja Theory Dante makes a better lover than Classic Dante for whatever reason..........
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Error: I prefer Lady.
Suck on that, Trish!
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Anonymous17(5): Hey, I'm the artist. If I was more timely, I would have come out with a joke picture that shows
1. Dante actually has a really small dick
2. They were faking, and Trish was being paid to say that.
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Anonymous18: Whoever the fuck made this shitty image must be feeling like a complete tool and loser knowing that Devil May Cry 5 not only exists, but outsold the wuboot in far less time without having to be discounted or given away for free. Oh and as a final fuck you to this retarded artist, the REAL Dante gets to see Trish naked and doesn't act like a shithead or is grossed out by hrr naked body. Suck on that. Finally there are way more images be it 2D and 3D of the REAL Dante and Trish having sex by themselves, with another woman from a different franchise, and with Lady. Meanwhile, fanart and renders featuring the wuboot has fallen out of favor. Imagine that.

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