Tumor: Marry her? She's a horrible girl. Pity-fuck material, maybe. Who would marry her?
But this pic gets all my love for making such incredibly on-model art look so good.
Anonymous8: @Tumor: Why would she be horrible? Like, is it because she internally demeans people around her? Pretty sure she does that for a self-esteem boost to keep her from committing suicide or something.. meeting a normal looking person like that who is just in need of some love to straighten their thoughts out can be quite a feel to some people.
Tumor: That's mighty presumptuous of you, Anon 8. As far as I've read she's a self-absorbed, self-depreciating, rude, disrespectful, lying, cheating and arrogant girl, who's kind of dumb and has fairly poor personal hygiene. We can peg all of this on her horrible social-anxiety, but all of her awkward moments are brought on by herself, normally thanks to her bad-attitude, unpleasant disposition or just plain stupidity. She's a character who's fun to laugh at, for me at least, because she is just an accumulation of so many negative aspects of a human being, and she hardly ever even tries to improve it. When she does she gives up because things don't go her way.
tl;dr She's kind of a bitch and does things to herself that make her life harder while complaining about it. She's a horrible girl. Even if we do play the same videogames, I don't like her and feel no shame in laughing at her misadventures.
Anonymous9: @Tumor: Quite, still I don't believe she transmits that sort of negativity because she's necessarily a bad person, but because she is a victim of technology and even of bad parenting; I'm yet to notice a second parental figure in her story and her mother doesn't really seem to care about the entirety of her while her brother shows little love and care about the things she tells him despite her expressing suicidal tendencies to him.
Thus far I don't think she does bad things because she's aware they are bad but because she's lost the grip of reality due to numerous distractions she's gotten a hold of (video games, anime, etc) at early age and there's no one in her world willing to help her out with regaining it, save for her own self but like you said she's bound to give up when attempting a change because she isn't sure about what she is doing and becomes even more depressed when those don't work in her favor.
A lot of people "like" her because they see a bit of themselves in her, and relate to the many awkward situations she is portrayed in (while a good chunk of them are exaggerated for entertainment purposes). I don't find Watamote funny to watch at all as some of it makes me cringe and the rest makes me almost sad, things hardly turning out well for the main character who seemingly becomes more hopeless with every next chapter. But whatever floats your boat, I guess.
tl;dr The character's just a kid (teen) still and doesn't know what she is doing. Her way of being wasn't a choice she took knowingly of the consequences as she's unhappy with the outcome and is half-willing to change, but due to the former statement she's unable to. Were she to be in her late 20's you'd be most correct in assuming that she is downright horrible however. Also saying that I see myself in her wouldn't be incorrect, many other people do. Porn pun not intended.
Tumor: @Anonymous: Well, I have agree with you in the context of her being easily accessible, and even easier to find pieces of ourselves reflected in her behavior, though I think the projection stems more from your analysis than what the character actually shows: We can see the reflections of our own feelings and problems more because of the way it's easy to associate with someone who's so netted as a "victim" of modern society.
I, however, disagree with the concept of her being a "victim" of technology at all, nor a victim of our present society. To be either of these things she would have to have a lack of awareness of her condition, and a lack of understanding of her prospected wants and needs as a person. She reflects a distinct understanding of both, but often chooses to disregard her attempts at striving towards either, and this is NOT do to bad parenting, as her family shows concern with her as most do with their teenage children, they're never shown as neglecting her emotionally, and even the slight interactions we do see with her and her mother tend more to be her fucking about and letting her laziness and bad disposition causing most of her ilk. For fuck's sake, her mom takes her to work with her just because she asked. My mother would have never done that for me when I was her age. Moreover, her brother's lack of concern for what she has to say to him probably stems more from the fact that she's quite a dick to him on a regular basis: constantly using him as a jump point to regain her self-confidence, never showing much of a give-a-shit attitude toward him unless she needs something, demanding to see his dick, etc. and, what more, this is his OLDER sister. He spends a large amount of his youth looking up to her only to have her disregard and manipulate him n a whim (as teenagers are oft to do) and I think he's beyond the point of needing to give a shit. Also, as I recall, he does show concern for her when she finally snaps and considers suicide because, as with most siblings, regardless of all the shit she pulls he still loves her; I frequently find myself feeling more empathetic towards him than her.
Now, no, I cannot agree at ALL that she is unaware of the awful things she does: She notes when she's lying, cheating or doing something for less than admirable reasons, and she only seems sorry when they blow up in her face. The only forgiving grace I can see anyone attempting to shed on that is that her awkward disposition and terrible luck should earn her our sympathy in choosing to behave as she does, and I don't think it does. Being a teenager doesn't make you any less aware of how awful you act than being in your 30s, and I don't think you're right to assume that she is utterly disconnected to the world around her. Picking and choosing when you feel like acknowledging your shitty behavior is not a sign of being disconnected, it's a sign of being a fucking sausage. It's not as if I find the comic funny because she "gets what's coming to her", or anything like that, but it's a quiet reflection on a lot of the worst attributes people tend to show, and they reflect in an even more funny way when she spends her time plotting ways to make success in the midst of failure, because it's funny in that way. Horrible may be a strong word, but I see few teenagers her age behaving the same way, because most have a sense of integrity that she almost prides herself on not needing, being as unpopular as she is and that kind of attitude is utterly contemptible in anyone, especially a character that we see so much of and learn so much about.
tl;dr I don't think she's a "victim" of anything, and she never reflects that. Her actions aren't that of a victim, nor does her upbringing or attitude reflect that. She's a sausage, most of the time, takes many things for granted and refuses to improve more out of laziness than necessity. Being a teen doesn't justify these actions, it merely means they should be expected.
Anonymous10: You have some very good observations and a more than valid opinion, there isn't really much I can add to this. Thanks for spending some time writing down a decent discourse despite the place we're in.
applegusta: @tumor you dont understand her dynamic at all. she clearly suffers from some severe social anxiety and probably depression, given her lack of motivation to improve herself or even bring herself to try new things. her brother is really hard on her too, more so than she is to him. he squeezed the fuck out of her face over a fucking Gatorade and is just really hateful towards her in general. she is obviously envious of him for having friends that want anything to do with him, even admitting this to him in tears. she also really enjoys his company because in the end shes just a lonely sad little girl. im reading your commentary and im wondering if youve even read the manga or watched the anime. so uh. yeah shut up.
applegusta: @Tumor: you dont understand her dynamic at all. she clearly suffers from some severe social anxiety and probably depression, given her lack of motivation to improve herself or even bring herself to try new things. her brother is really hard on her too, more so than she is to him. he squeezed the fuck out of her face over a fucking Gatorade and is just really hateful towards her in general and doesnt even defend her when his friends mock her, even going so far as to laugh along with them. she is obviously envious of him for having friends that want anything to do with him, even admitting this to him in tears. she also really enjoys his company because in the end shes just a lonely sad little girl. im reading your commentary and im wondering if youve even read the manga or watched the anime. so uh. yeah shut up.
Tumor: @applegusta: Well, here I thought nobody would jump into this discussion with a rude disposition and extremely shoddy argument. Oh well.
She doesn't "clearly" suffer from anything. It's obvious she is socially retarded, but, as seen in the prequel comic (about her time in middle school) this has to do with more her selfish motivations and terrible attitude, as she is spiteful and outright hateful towards some people with absolutely no reason whatsoever. She's only anxious because she is always making an ass out of herself and people tend to remember that. Her brother shows her utter disregard because, as heavily implied by such wonderful lines as "Well, time to go tell lies to my little brother", she's a bit of a twat. He doesn't ever go out of his way to be hateful towards her, she puts herself in the position on the regular, and he doesn't see the need to be nice to her any more so than she does to him. Should we harp over to the times he DOESN'T get pissed at her when he should? Not mailing his high-school application? Insisting on pressing sexual situations on him? He's her younger brother, and he used to look up to her, something fierce (much like her younger cousin) but as time went on it became more and more obvious to him that she was cruel and manipulative, and he shouldn't be held as feeling sorry for her on every occasion. If anything, I've observed this comic far deeper than you have, and you can boo and hiss over it all you want, but she's purposely written to be a bitch, not purely empathetic. Do you complain over her "depression" and "anxieties" because you find yourself identifying with her a bit too much, or something? I strongly suggest you end your love affair with this character and evaluate how you treat others, because if you constantly find yourself defending her it's likely because you want to excuse some terrible behavioral patterns of your own.
And don't tell me to shut-up. That's rude.
Anonymous13(11): @Tumor: Now... Wait... Does this mean I am a bad person? Because I act exactly like Tomoko, who is just narcissistic, socially awkward, and has social anxiety disorder. She isn't a bad person, I don't think
Tumor: @Anonymous: If you blame your narcissistic tendencies and social anxieties for making you a gigantic ass to people you care about, a cheater, a liar, a genuinely uncaring and a generally dishonest person, then yes. That would make you a bad person.
Tumor: @Anonymous: While I agree she displays some of the symptoms of AvPD that does not even begin to explain my key problems with her, which, as mentioned, is her malicious attitude and outright shittiness to people who, in most cases, seem to care about her. Not to mention we've NEVER seen her have bad experiences that would trigger that kind of response. I completely believe she's depicted as having some kind of social disorder, but a lot of her actions stem from an outward disrespect of people in general, which doesn't manifest itself in nearly as severe a fashion as it does with her. She rejects the people who do treat her with compassion because she takes them for granted and tries to forge connections with others for few reasons more than sexual perversion, or to make herself seem superior to them (note, not just to feel better about herself, but as a means of establishing actual superiority). These actions are defining characteristics of her personality, not simply her disorder. I LIKE the way she's written, I do, but I like her because she's intended to be mostly unlikable. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Anonymous20: @Tumor: I don't understand why you say what you said. I have yet to see her act like a bitch. I see her more as a pathetic shy girl who fails in life.
Personally, if she exists. I would do anything in my power to form a connections with her. She just needs someone to talk to that is not her family. She doesn't take for granted her family and her only friend, who she calls to talk to but since her friend is always busy and stuff. She even tries to impress her little cousin because she doesn't want to look bad in front of her. Personally, I don't understand why you say what you say.
Tumor: @Anonymous: ...what? She doesn't take them for granted? She gets upset that her ONLY friend is talking with another person (one of her old friends, at that), ruins the ending of a book, irksomely provokes said other friend and implies that her brother is wither gay or attracted to her in the course of a single issue of the comic. She has a shitty attitude and goes out of her way to act shitty, rude or just plain unlikable at times. I mean... really? You haven't noticed any of this?
And I say these things because, as much as I like the character, I REALLY don't believe it's the writer's intention to make readers utterly sympathetic towards her, but rather to view her as an awkward teenager dealing with high-school life, though normally in the wrong ways. Yet people cling to her, possibly through personal projection, with a creepy degree of empathy and weird-ass waifu syndrome. I like her a lot, but certainly not because she's likable.
CrotchboobAddict: huh really, maybe I'm just stupid but I didn't think her character was so bad while reading the comic, other than her being perverted and the 'social anxiety' which was fun.. other than that, it was boring but I still want to read more.
TheOmegaAnon: Nice to see a discussion over one of my favorite and most relatable characters. I don't have much to say aside from I like Tomoko, I relate to her alot, and I think she's hot.
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its kinda weird we're doing some kinda boner trade off
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But this pic gets all my love for making such incredibly on-model art look so good.
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tl;dr She's kind of a bitch and does things to herself that make her life harder while complaining about it. She's a horrible girl. Even if we do play the same videogames, I don't like her and feel no shame in laughing at her misadventures.
Thus far I don't think she does bad things because she's aware they are bad but because she's lost the grip of reality due to numerous distractions she's gotten a hold of (video games, anime, etc) at early age and there's no one in her world willing to help her out with regaining it, save for her own self but like you said she's bound to give up when attempting a change because she isn't sure about what she is doing and becomes even more depressed when those don't work in her favor.
A lot of people "like" her because they see a bit of themselves in her, and relate to the many awkward situations she is portrayed in (while a good chunk of them are exaggerated for entertainment purposes). I don't find Watamote funny to watch at all as some of it makes me cringe and the rest makes me almost sad, things hardly turning out well for the main character who seemingly becomes more hopeless with every next chapter. But whatever floats your boat, I guess.
tl;dr The character's just a kid (teen) still and doesn't know what she is doing. Her way of being wasn't a choice she took knowingly of the consequences as she's unhappy with the outcome and is half-willing to change, but due to the former statement she's unable to. Were she to be in her late 20's you'd be most correct in assuming that she is downright horrible however. Also saying that I see myself in her wouldn't be incorrect, many other people do. Porn pun not intended.
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I, however, disagree with the concept of her being a "victim" of technology at all, nor a victim of our present society. To be either of these things she would have to have a lack of awareness of her condition, and a lack of understanding of her prospected wants and needs as a person. She reflects a distinct understanding of both, but often chooses to disregard her attempts at striving towards either, and this is NOT do to bad parenting, as her family shows concern with her as most do with their teenage children, they're never shown as neglecting her emotionally, and even the slight interactions we do see with her and her mother tend more to be her fucking about and letting her laziness and bad disposition causing most of her ilk. For fuck's sake, her mom takes her to work with her just because she asked. My mother would have never done that for me when I was her age. Moreover, her brother's lack of concern for what she has to say to him probably stems more from the fact that she's quite a dick to him on a regular basis: constantly using him as a jump point to regain her self-confidence, never showing much of a give-a-shit attitude toward him unless she needs something, demanding to see his dick, etc. and, what more, this is his OLDER sister. He spends a large amount of his youth looking up to her only to have her disregard and manipulate him n a whim (as teenagers are oft to do) and I think he's beyond the point of needing to give a shit. Also, as I recall, he does show concern for her when she finally snaps and considers suicide because, as with most siblings, regardless of all the shit she pulls he still loves her; I frequently find myself feeling more empathetic towards him than her.
Now, no, I cannot agree at ALL that she is unaware of the awful things she does: She notes when she's lying, cheating or doing something for less than admirable reasons, and she only seems sorry when they blow up in her face. The only forgiving grace I can see anyone attempting to shed on that is that her awkward disposition and terrible luck should earn her our sympathy in choosing to behave as she does, and I don't think it does. Being a teenager doesn't make you any less aware of how awful you act than being in your 30s, and I don't think you're right to assume that she is utterly disconnected to the world around her. Picking and choosing when you feel like acknowledging your shitty behavior is not a sign of being disconnected, it's a sign of being a fucking sausage. It's not as if I find the comic funny because she "gets what's coming to her", or anything like that, but it's a quiet reflection on a lot of the worst attributes people tend to show, and they reflect in an even more funny way when she spends her time plotting ways to make success in the midst of failure, because it's funny in that way. Horrible may be a strong word, but I see few teenagers her age behaving the same way, because most have a sense of integrity that she almost prides herself on not needing, being as unpopular as she is and that kind of attitude is utterly contemptible in anyone, especially a character that we see so much of and learn so much about.
tl;dr I don't think she's a "victim" of anything, and she never reflects that. Her actions aren't that of a victim, nor does her upbringing or attitude reflect that. She's a sausage, most of the time, takes many things for granted and refuses to improve more out of laziness than necessity. Being a teen doesn't justify these actions, it merely means they should be expected.
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She doesn't "clearly" suffer from anything. It's obvious she is socially retarded, but, as seen in the prequel comic (about her time in middle school) this has to do with more her selfish motivations and terrible attitude, as she is spiteful and outright hateful towards some people with absolutely no reason whatsoever. She's only anxious because she is always making an ass out of herself and people tend to remember that. Her brother shows her utter disregard because, as heavily implied by such wonderful lines as "Well, time to go tell lies to my little brother", she's a bit of a twat. He doesn't ever go out of his way to be hateful towards her, she puts herself in the position on the regular, and he doesn't see the need to be nice to her any more so than she does to him. Should we harp over to the times he DOESN'T get pissed at her when he should? Not mailing his high-school application? Insisting on pressing sexual situations on him? He's her younger brother, and he used to look up to her, something fierce (much like her younger cousin) but as time went on it became more and more obvious to him that she was cruel and manipulative, and he shouldn't be held as feeling sorry for her on every occasion. If anything, I've observed this comic far deeper than you have, and you can boo and hiss over it all you want, but she's purposely written to be a bitch, not purely empathetic. Do you complain over her "depression" and "anxieties" because you find yourself identifying with her a bit too much, or something? I strongly suggest you end your love affair with this character and evaluate how you treat others, because if you constantly find yourself defending her it's likely because you want to excuse some terrible behavioral patterns of your own.
And don't tell me to shut-up. That's rude.
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Personally, if she exists. I would do anything in my power to form a connections with her. She just needs someone to talk to that is not her family. She doesn't take for granted her family and her only friend, who she calls to talk to but since her friend is always busy and stuff. She even tries to impress her little cousin because she doesn't want to look bad in front of her. Personally, I don't understand why you say what you say.
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And I say these things because, as much as I like the character, I REALLY don't believe it's the writer's intention to make readers utterly sympathetic towards her, but rather to view her as an awkward teenager dealing with high-school life, though normally in the wrong ways. Yet people cling to her, possibly through personal projection, with a creepy degree of empathy and weird-ass waifu syndrome. I like her a lot, but certainly not because she's likable.