Anonymous1: What's the fastest way to fuck up good artwork? Have some amateur douchebag artist add a dick to her. Stupid, stupid little motherfucker, leave the work alone, fuckwad.
Porkins: What i dont understand is if you dont like it then why click on it and on top of that why spend the time to comment on a picture you dont even like?
Anonymous3: I never will understand how people are fine with all these other fetishes, but once futa pops up its NOPE, NOT OKAY. Its not even an extreme fetish jesus, calm your tits. Even if it counted as "gay", why does that change anything? I don't see you fuckers complaining about all the gay porn on here.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous:
So true. Haters are haters. You can't use reason with them. It's amazing how some people waste their time to flame something like this if they don't like it. It's not like anyone is forcing them to see the images. Human idiocy truly boggles the mind...
Anonymous6: It's not about "gay" or whatever.
It's about the fact that her penis apparently makes a sharp left turn. Or it originates from her right thigh.
- Reply
Also it isn't like the original has disappeared.
So true. Haters are haters. You can't use reason with them. It's amazing how some people waste their time to flame something like this if they don't like it. It's not like anyone is forcing them to see the images. Human idiocy truly boggles the mind...
It's about the fact that her penis apparently makes a sharp left turn. Or it originates from her right thigh.