Anonymous1: Jesus fucking christ, first the no doubt obese yaoi fangirls discover gmod and flood it with gay porn, then they found out about xnalara and did the same, now expect plenty of source gay porn. Why don't they just get the sex change already?
gabbe1200: seriously... REMOVE THESE, nobody requested these pictures, and i dont think anyone ever wanna see gay TF2. and i dont think a gay person would EVER wanna see these! just god awful
Anonymous2: Game with all canonically male characters = GAY PORN
It's really not that hard to figure out. And, in the first place, why were you looking for medic porn?
Rule 34 doesn't run on requests. It runs on people adding to the database however they wish. So all you assholes can either make your own porn, or kindly shut the fuck up.
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It's really not that hard to figure out. And, in the first place, why were you looking for medic porn?
Rule 34 doesn't run on requests. It runs on people adding to the database however they wish. So all you assholes can either make your own porn, or kindly shut the fuck up.