Vectorman: Okay wall of txt time. The two anos wanted applebloom and sweetie for the flash. I said "I can do this" not forgetting that my flash skills suck balls since the only flash I know is the small corse I took in high school back when flash was owned by macromedia and not adobe. The new cs flash shit has so much new stuff that yeah. This is the fruits of my shoddy labor. I did my best to keep it to the orginal but yeah....
Seethe: Ma' prayers have been answered!
@Vectorman: Pretty sure I wasn't logged at the time and one of them was me. Regardless of how shitty it may or may not be you sir have one my dirty shriveled and probably slightly mildewy heart.
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@Vectorman: Pretty sure I wasn't logged at the time and one of them was me. Regardless of how shitty it may or may not be you sir have one my dirty shriveled and probably slightly mildewy heart.
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