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Liptonnn: Better Resolution
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NoName23: Awesome
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JustiniZHere: glorious...simply glorious.
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Scarmiglione: I love you too
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Scarmiglione: wrong window
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wookash: Isn't it the best of Ganassa's work?
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Anonymous1: ......
Ganassa isnt quite as bad as Samiri, but it sure is close.
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KIWHAN: why you guys don't like Ganassa and samiri's work?
can't understand
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Anonymous2: R34 is full of braindead people. Just wrap that idea to your head.
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Anonymous3: So filter their work anon 1, or do you not know how to work this website at all?
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Roflmann: i just keep staring at Ahri's belly... Tell me if that is not the most beautifully drawn lower belly you've ever seen!
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Anonymous4: Anyone else find it odd that Zyra has bigger boobs than Ahri?
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Thresh: I like this but I have a feeling they would not like me joining in.
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Anonymous5: Good Job man this looks pretty good!
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Anonymous6: Why cant i see the lower half of the pic?
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Took too long to load, just try refreshing the page.
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Anonymous8: @KIWHAN: For me it's the highlighting on the bodies. In Samiri's work the highlights look like sunburn and in Ganassa's work they make the skin look like it's made of jelly *_*
Other than that, the work is excellent.
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Anonymous9(1): @KIWHAN: Cos the bodies they draw are shit, and the faces even worse.

But that isnt even the main problem, the main problem is that their R34 works dont look like the original at all. I wouldnt even mind their particular style if they did original art, but as LoL fanart its just horrible.
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Anonymous10: Won't load!!!
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Roflmann: @Anonymous: So you're the type that appreciates specifically LoL hentai, where usually the characters all fit into the same, usual over-the-top style and pretty much look like characters from an anime. What's been done here is a little bit of a more realistic (but still deliciously proportionized) take on lol erotica where the characters have some "character" to them, like specific facial features, If anything, it requires more skill and understanding of the character to produce a work to of this caliber, as opposed to just drawing a nude anime-styled chick and adding some character specifics to it, like clothing or hairstyles (although that isn't easy either). The last thing i would call this work is bad, but to each their own i guess.
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Demimond23: @Anonymous: While I could understand the point about faces(there are some serious issues here and there), I think Ganassa is actually quite good with his anatomy(Samiri isn't). The only criticism of Ganassa that I have is about his work with perspective, but I don't care about that honestly.
And other points you made are personal preference so I wont argue those. I'll just say that I personally like to see game\movie\anime characters done in particular styles, different from the original, so it's cool with me.
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Demimond23: @Roflmann: well I wont Ahri's belly is the best I ever saw, but Ganassa sure did an awesome work on this picture, probably his best work in a while. Even though I don't like lesbian action much, he managed to make this scissors pose look hot as hell.
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Anonymous11(1): @Roflmann: Roflman, please dont be offended but you misunderstand me so hard it's not even funny.
I DONT appreciate LoL R34 where the characters look like anime chicks (except for Kimmundo, but his work is awesome cos of the humor, not cos of the style), I want them to look like in the game.
Ganassa fails to achieve that - he draws generic Ganassa girls with generic Ganassa faces and throws some clothing on them that makes them recognizable as a champion (and sometimes not even that - in the swimwear pictures I honestly cant recognize some champions except by looking at the tags and crossing out the recognizable ones).

As for the bodies and faces being shit, well, I'll admit it's personal preference. But they certainly dont look like what they're supposed to look, and imo that is bad in R34.
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Anonymous12: My faith in humanity is restored everytime I see people arguing about porn
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Anonymous13: so what does the fox say?
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Pyroking: Nature is fascinating.

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