Anonymous1: So ya have something against America you cunt? Well lot's of my fave comics and cartoons is made there which none of your eastern style media can ever make. You suck faggot asswipe.
Thumper: @DatWood: nah, it's probably the OP. an anon did the reverse post on the reverse pic >>1075943 and, fuck you; nothing wrong with most americans..
broskilicious2: Why do people "typical American" when dealing with an asshole that has a percentage chance of maybe being American? Saying that doesn't make you look open-minded or cosmopolitan.
On a hornier note, I'm happy we got some dat Hiko 34 finally.
Anonymous7: You do know it's nothing about where they are from right? It's just a fun poke from the show since Franny and Hiko hate each other so stop being whinny bitches
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On a hornier note, I'm happy we got some dat Hiko 34 finally.
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