Anonymous3: -vomits profusely while waiting for someone to make an edit and put GRAY instead- Your last work with Cana/Erza was absolutely amazing so how the hell did this happen? Were you drunk when you accepted the shitty request? I can't comprehend.
Anonymous5(3): accepting request ≠ drawing actual request. I think you do real high quality work but your pairings/ideas are just god awful. I'm so glad FTpixxx and other artists don't do stupid shit like this.
Neeba: Um, excellent quality as always, really hot pic (especially 'cuz it's anal), but absolutely silly request I feel like, way too random.. I mean, why Darui?~.~ srsly
Nevertheless, I'm a big fan of your work, hope you'll keep making Fairy Tail pics.^^ Would be nice to see Lucy or Erza (again!) in action.=)
Tbone111: @Neeba: The pairing goes along with a crossover fanfic that the commissioner read. When it come to pairings, I can cares less who my clients want me to draw. They're the ones paying me after all.
Tbone111: ^__^ I know, I didn't take it as criticism I was just saying. Besides, I happen to be a fan of crack pairings. They tend to make the best kind of fanfiction if you know where to look.
Neeba: @Tbone111: I prefer crack pairings as well (one of the reasons why I loved your Azuma/Lisanna pics so much too), but I don't like crossovers, neither when it makes no sense at all.
But WHO cares, right? It's still frickin' HOT.:D I love that you make so many anal pics, hope you'll keep doing them.=)
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"Oh, okay. Cool."
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Glad you like my work though.
Good job man
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Nevertheless, I'm a big fan of your work, hope you'll keep making Fairy Tail pics.^^ Would be nice to see Lucy or Erza (again!) in action.=)
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But WHO cares, right? It's still frickin' HOT.:D I love that you make so many anal pics, hope you'll keep doing them.=)
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