Anonymous3(1): Yeah, but thats what she "could" do if she was still around, thats why TTT games are non canon.
What happened in canon is that Angels influence is long gone and Devils influence is dominant in Kazuya now.
SONIC_FRIEZA: @Anonymous:
Indeed TTT are not canon but still the creators haven't confirmed her complete demise or make clear if she is indeed the good part of Kazuya's soul or a separate entity.
So she might be hidden somewhere deep in Kazuya's
consciousness waiting to save him.
As for the leg the artist probably went a little lazy on the edges of the picture.
Anonymous5(1): It is confirmed that Angel is not apart of Kazuyas soul. Angel was trying to push the Devil out of Kazuya while he still had good within him. But the Devil-Gene runs strong and Kazuya has choosen it over Angel. That is what is canon. Technically speaking its not even canon that Angel can purify Devil since that only happened in a non canon game. The only thing thats canon is that Devils influence is dominant in Kazuya now.
What happened in canon is that Angels influence is long gone and Devils influence is dominant in Kazuya now.
Indeed TTT are not canon but still the creators haven't confirmed her complete demise or make clear if she is indeed the good part of Kazuya's soul or a separate entity.
So she might be hidden somewhere deep in Kazuya's
consciousness waiting to save him.
As for the leg the artist probably went a little lazy on the edges of the picture.