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BubbaGun: Why does liking this feel like I'm cheating on Dan?
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Biggus__Dickus: Oh, to be in Elliot's place here
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BubbaGun: @Biggus Dickus: On the downside, he's in a TOS redshirt uniform (well, half of it anyway), AND he's just bedded a TOS captain... His survival odds are well blow zero.

(For non-nerds : just about every time a redshirted security officer got named in the the original series, he died in the line of duty in the next scene, on top of which every time Kirk was implied to have "gotten jiggy with" a non-main-cast character they died in some contrived manner before the end of the episode).
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OrokaJunk: @BubbaGun: Nothing here implying she is a Captian, just a chick in a command track uniform. Sulu and Checkov wear gold. Uhura does too in two episodes. It is the markings on the sleves that shows rank. Heck, they arent even wearing unit patches showing membership to a ship or base.
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Anonymous1: Star Trek , you love or hate the series.
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Anonymous2: I love it when porn comes close to canon. Susan's gonna tap that after Sarah dumps him, and the uniforms wouldn't be surprising.
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BubbaGun: @OrokaJunk: You really think Susan would ever take any other role?
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Mother: @Anonymous: The best Rule 34 artwork always stays as close to canon as possible. If you break character, then you need to keep all the details straight and the character art on model, and vice-versa.

If you don't do that, you just have random cartoons of naked people...which isn't a bad thing, but it isn't Rule 34.
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shetni64: @BubbaGun: Despite what Star Trek 2009 would have you believe, officers generally start at a fairly low rank and work their way up to Captain.
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Anonymous3: This is the most erotic drawing of full penetration genital contact where you can't see anything that I've ever seen.
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fishmonger: @shetni64: It's like normal Navy hierarchy, except in the future. Officers start at Ensign and work their way through the ranks. NCOs start at Crewman and work up those ranks. O'Brien is one of the few NCOs that's mentioned by rank (at least in TNG)... they tend to only focus on the officers for some reason. Hell, even Troi and Crusher are Lieutenant Commanders, even though Troi is fucking worthless in any kind of actual command situation.
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Anonymous4: Hot and Loverly, though one nit-pick: Susan is naturally blonde (she dyes her hair because she doesn't want to look like a "dumb blonde"), so her bush should probably be lighter in color.... :-)
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Anonymous5: @shetni64 For god's sakes...Kirk only jumped a couple of ranks. He was a Lieutenant when he stowed away aboard the Enterprise. He was field promoted to First Officer, a title reserved for at LEAST Lt. Commanders and full Commanders. Take your pick of which he was promoted to.

Anon4: Susan dyes her hair because she associates blondes with the woman that her father cheated on her mother with.
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Anonymous6: Anon's #4 and 5, actually her hair is naturally black after her angst-induced awakening near the end of Hammerchlorians.
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Biggus__Dickus: @Anonymous: @Anonymous:@Anonymous: Besides which, pubic hair does tend to be darker than the hair on one's head.
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Anonymous7: Star Trek has droves of alien races proving without a doubt that Earth isn't the
only planet in the universe that has life.

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