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Amber_Marie: Oh my, that looks fun.
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Anonymous1: Something about this gives me a bad taste... Good though.
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MrAnon: That doesn't look needle sized. But no doubt about it being stumpy though.
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Anonymous2: ha ha! small cock attractive and successful African
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metalslayer: Poor Narrator.
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ZAZAAZ: might *change* a-little-a-bit after this one finished you off...
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yousuckass: @Anonymous: Just another racist retard.
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Anonymous3(2): how am i a retard because i said he has a small cock while blacks are said to have big ones or because i called him an attractive and successful African
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urban: @Anonymous: no you're a retard because you put a ! after ha ha
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Anonymous4: I love Zone-Tan. Then she fuck males and females. She could fuck me.
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Krampus: just realised what she's doing ewww... could someone edit a female in the place of the smalled penis man ?
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Anonymous5: @Krampus: why would someone do such a stupid thing?
It will lose point!
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Because the majority of the population is actually straight.
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Anonymous7: ^^ actually everyone on the Internet is gay
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Anonymous8(2): all the angry attractive and successful Africans are mad because they have small cocks
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Anonymous9: Bennett_the_Sage tagshould be replaced with Dave_Franklyn, since he's been named in the newest episode of ZTV. He apparently wrecked Zone-Tan's ass.
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Anonymous10: @Krampus: You seem to be the only one making an issue of it. Something you'd like to exit? A closet, perhaps?
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: But this picture IS straight, putting a girl there would make it GAY
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Anonymous12: Anonymous 2 You white trash son of a bitch die die dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Anonymous13: anonymous 7 im not gay and i am only here because i hate you all but i am a zone tan fan so fuck off you ugly ass faggot you only said everyone is gay because you wish they where gay with you and if i misspelld any thing i dont give a shit also am i the only white guy on the internet who is not racist beyond the fact that i hate all humans so fuck you and dye you gay ass faggot and yos i know gay and faggot are basically the same but i am just trying to make sure you get the point thats not a pun eaithe.... THAT YOU ARE A FUCKING WHINEY ASS FAGGOT!!!!! so anyone beside anon 7 have a non bitchy comment because i only hae him he called us all gay when i am straight yep straight into a hot ass of a female i am a ginger so i will get very mad and about this flash what the FUCK. and again i am not racist i just hate gays so if you want to fight i am a irish guy so im so drunk i wont feel a thing but the girls they feel alot. ha anon 7 is a cock sucker
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Anonymous14(13): anon 10 well played haha krampus ha
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Anonymous15(13): anon 11 you have a point but i would prefer it the other way guy bang girl but with a larger dick
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LuvDaArt: I don't know what all the ruckus is about, but I've seen smaller dicks than that before. They made me laugh.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: I'm not actually black and I'm insulted by your stupidty.
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Anonymous17: anonymous 7 im not gay and i am only here because i hate you all but i am a zone tan fan so fuck off you ugly ass faggot you only said everyone is gay because you wish they where gay with you and if i misspelld any thing i dont give a shit also am i the only white guy on the internet who is not racist beyond the fact that i hate all humans so fuck you and dye you gay ass faggot and yos i know gay and faggot are basically the same but i am just trying to make sure you get the point thats not a pun eaithe.... THAT YOU ARE A FUCKING WHINEY ASS FAGGOT!!!!! so anyone beside anon 7 have a non bitchy comment because i only hae him he called us all gay when i am straight yep straight into a hot ass of a female i am a ginger so i will get very mad and about this flash what the FUCK. and again i am not racist i just hate gays so if you want to fight i am a irish guy so im so drunk i wont feel a thing but the girls they feel alot. ha anon 7 is a cock sucker
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berrybertunz: woah there anon, that's a lot of edge
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Anonymous18: lol im 10

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