blueblueblue: @Anonymous: There is a theory humans caught HIV from primates. I think the popular theory is it was because we were eating them, although some people like to joke that we were boinking them instead.
Anonymous4: Considering how HIV came from some attractive and successful African having sex with a monkey, the fact minus8 drew this is extremely ironic. (because he's an attractive and successful African using a condom having sex with a monkey you guys)
Anon99: @Anonymous: And where did you learn your history from? The KKK? If that's the case, you must believe the south Won the Civil War, and having your cousin as your wife is commonplace
Backwalk: So, she's protecting her feet from possible HIV, and protecting the man from possible athlete's foot! Sounds like a win-win for me as well, and I love the idea of putting on a condom with her toes!
Dick_Chappy: Well, @Anonymous: is correct, @Anonymous: . I suppose that's what sucks. They simply want to cling to being...How do I put this without being racist?....They want to cling to being black. That is about the best way to put it.
Anonymous7: @blueblueblue: Your theory is shit just like your life, funny how you wrote such crap just to avoid what you actually wanted to say which was "Condom sex feels so unnatural, i hate condoms!" You can have as much natural sex you want just don't spread your aids further on you diseased freak.
Anonymous8(7): No wonder you hillbilly americunts have such a shitty life no friends and all become gay just to get picked up by someone from abroad and run away to Australia or Uk (Currently two famous countries where you emiagrate based on your stereotypical thinking that foreigners from Au ad UK are nice and polite which is bullshit) The entire world knows you Amerifags are your own enemies who will destroy each other and we won't even have to do anything about it. In reality you are the most weakest country who bows down to EU Russia and China. While you have this Racist bullshit, Redneck and Hillbily faggots, so called patriots and thinkers that USA is number #1 you will degrade in to a even lower shit state that you already are. Signed - The Lulz
Anon99: @Anonymous: And where did you look this up at? I'd like to know, I've have/had family in the medical field,and nothing they've learned (that I've learned from their information) that blacks have a higher HIV count.@Dick_Chappy: So, are trying to be pro-white or what here? If your logic was used, then it can be turned around on bigots. They cling to a life-style that died years ago, yet they refuse to release it.@Anonymous: Hate because your point of view is flawed, and you dislike that you're major complaint against blacks was just blown out of the water. Seriously, if you're that rage-fueled, why don't you get off the net, and go do something about this "Black" problem you seem to have.
NekoKnight: All I got to say is if America does become nothing but Rednecks and Hillbillies then the rest of the world better watch out because then we won't think twice about bombing your asses over stupid shit.
Black19Yellow44: @NekoKnight: Well if they are all Rednecks and hillbillies, hopefully they won't know how to fly planes and arm bombs without blowing themselves up.
Black19Yellow44: @Anonymous: ...Bastards. There are two A's in it. In anycase, you would do better to argue for the intelligence of the cultural groups we are deriding. If you could provide sufficient evidence of their ingenuity and technical skill, then you would truly win the day.
Anonymous12(10): @Black19Yellow44: what , WHAT NOW I CAN'T HEAR your shitty Yankee voice because I am doing your momma with my 14 inch white cock shithead.
Anonymous14: i love the fact that white people think a black guy is fucking dixie when the dick is acually tan or brown so its either a tan white guy or a mexican
SparktehFox: I work and go to college. I've had this username for a very long time. I also hate Sonic recolors and fancharacters with some stupid ass kind of "back story".
Anonymous19: All of you guys are stupid to even care - it's a porn pic on the internet, there are no racial implications, who cares if a few trollers/immature people thinks there is? Just fap. Like I am. This is hot.
Anonymous23: So it starts with a cartoon chimpanzee putting a condom on a human... spirals into a nationalist chest thumping/autofellatio contest... then ends with some jackass complaining about the British spelling of an English word amongst cries for reason. *slowclap*
Anonymous27: oh dear minus8, an ironic and hilarious joke involving rule34 and it has to get turned into this by retards and haters -sigh- what has this world come to when you cant even enjoy porn without seeing this? truly this world needs to just end than keep suffering in this misery that every one of its inhabitants have created.
Anonymous34: @Anonymous: Are you a fucking retard? Successful Africans do NOT have infections. It’s not a fact dumbass. Go educate yourself. @Anonymous: No, his theory was bullshit. Gtfo of here. @Dick_Chappy: Anon6 isn’t correct dumbass.
@Anonymous: No wonder Britishithead faggots like you always hate Americans and wish death apom they, you’re still upset because we actually HAVE a freedom while you are still stuck in a monarchal system that doesn’t even do shit for you. What, still mad that America is better than your country because yours killed 150 million people under your rule instead of us? You’re really showing your pure hate for America so badly, I’m glad that I’m an American and if you actually believe that America will turn fully redneck and racist, you have literally become a full sjw retard, and out states aren’t lower and shit, way better than what your shitty country have to offer. The entire world doesnt even think that we are our own enemies because none of that is even close to the real truth. Hillbillies and Rednecks yes I will say that some or more or most of those guys are racist, but not all of them are you dumbass. You even have the nerve to call us Amerifags when you Britards are one of the worst countries who ever even existed in the world. I’m glad we got our freedom because if I everyone with a britard, I would beat the living shit out of him or her, no fuss. We ARE a patriots but you are so blind of your anti American propaganda to know that we being patriots is the truth. Also WE are the most weakest country who bows down to EU, Russia and a China? THOSE COUNTRIES CANT EVEN FEED THEIR OWN PEOPLE AND THEY HAVENT DONE SHIT TO FIX THEIR OWN PROBLEMS. America is NOT the weakest country and we are actually stronger than all of you weak ass countries. It’s an actual fact. Can’t accept it? Go suck a big black dick. Africa and Congo and every other black countries are good tho. America is the greatest country I’ve ever live in and if you can’t accept that fact, why the fuck are you even in this server fucktard? Go take this dildo and shove it up your ass. Also we ARENT ALL RACIST and we are NOT ALL HIBILLIES. That’s just a sign of you being an sjw fucktard. Go fuck yourself, America for the win bitch. And bitch you will start caring because you and your country actually NEEDED us every time you and the world were in a crisis. Let that sink in before you go ahead and hate my country when it has done nothing wrong. Suck my dick and go fuck your self You prick. Fuck off and accept the fact America is better than you and your shitty country. Cunt.
Anonymous35: @Anonymous: Bro do you need to rant about this just enjoy the picture moron. I'm surprised you can come up with this many fucking insults.
Anonymous36: @Anonymous: What a fucking loser XD America is a cesspool everyone knows that, when your country can't afford your own medical treatment you can't call yourself a developed country. You bombed defenseless countries yet are absolutely sackless when it comes to going against powerful nations. Can't feed your own? Have you seen the amount of homeless on your streets and parks in any US town? Not all are hillbiliies? Than why do you elect stupid tards like Donald Trump and than storm the Capitol in camp auschwitz hoodies xd You have freedom from what? You manufacture everything in China and import more than export. Americans are not racist? Than why did you kick off all the riots and black lives matter move?
You are so full of shit you deserve this years retarded schizo award XD
Anonymous37: What a ride. Come for monke, came for monke, stay to read comments lol
Racism check.
America bad check
Angry third worlders check
After climax entertainment check check check
This and Minus8 dixie vid may have given me a thing for weird monkey feet though. Thanks internet.
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Educate yourself and stop being a bigot.
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Kudos to her, and the artist, ver well deserved piece for the occassion.
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I knew there was a reason I came to this site.
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@Anonymous: No, his theory was bullshit. Gtfo of here.
@Dick_Chappy: Anon6 isn’t correct dumbass.
@Anonymous: No wonder Britishithead faggots like you always hate Americans and wish death apom they, you’re still upset because we actually HAVE a freedom while you are still stuck in a monarchal system that doesn’t even do shit for you. What, still mad that America is better than your country because yours killed 150 million people under your rule instead of us? You’re really showing your pure hate for America so badly, I’m glad that I’m an American and if you actually believe that America will turn fully redneck and racist, you have literally become a full sjw retard, and out states aren’t lower and shit, way better than what your shitty country have to offer. The entire world doesnt even think that we are our own enemies because none of that is even close to the real truth. Hillbillies and Rednecks yes I will say that some or more or most of those guys are racist, but not all of them are you dumbass. You even have the nerve to call us Amerifags when you Britards are one of the worst countries who ever even existed in the world. I’m glad we got our freedom because if I everyone with a britard, I would beat the living shit out of him or her, no fuss. We ARE a patriots but you are so blind of your anti American propaganda to know that we being patriots is the truth. Also WE are the most weakest country who bows down to EU, Russia and a China? THOSE COUNTRIES CANT EVEN FEED THEIR OWN PEOPLE AND THEY HAVENT DONE SHIT TO FIX THEIR OWN PROBLEMS. America is NOT the weakest country and we are actually stronger than all of you weak ass countries. It’s an actual fact. Can’t accept it? Go suck a big black dick. Africa and Congo and every other black countries are good tho. America is the greatest country I’ve ever live in and if you can’t accept that fact, why the fuck are you even in this server fucktard? Go take this dildo and shove it up your ass. Also we ARENT ALL RACIST and we are NOT ALL HIBILLIES. That’s just a sign of you being an sjw fucktard. Go fuck yourself, America for the win bitch. And bitch you will start caring because you and your country actually NEEDED us every time you and the world were in a crisis. Let that sink in before you go ahead and hate my country when it has done nothing wrong. Suck my dick and go fuck your self You prick. Fuck off and accept the fact America is better than you and your shitty country. Cunt.
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You are so full of shit you deserve this years retarded schizo award XD
Racism check.
America bad check
Angry third worlders check
After climax entertainment check check check
This and Minus8 dixie vid may have given me a thing for weird monkey feet though. Thanks internet.
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