Anonymous1: girls with cocks make me so horny! but the character i made up has a cock!!!!!
eye color: blue
hair color: blue
robot neko
she oviessly wears leggings,sneakers,and a dress
you may draw her as a furry also!!! she is also a megaman carather i made up!!!
Anonymous2: Woah, are we talking about our characters?
Name: Alucard
Gender: Herm
eye color: purple
hair color: rainbow
pony devil
wears a fedora and adidas and leggings
originalcharacter donut steel please
originally a MLP character, but I found she adapts well in any series
CinderPumice: name: Bella
gender: fem
eye color: dark red
hair color: dark black
vampire princess
wares only black leather and highheal shoes
OC, I own the rights!
Sometimes she is a good guy but can also be bad guy when she feels like it.
eye color: blue
hair color: blue
robot neko
she oviessly wears leggings,sneakers,and a dress
you may draw her as a furry also!!! she is also a megaman carather i made up!!!
- Reply
Name: Alucard
Gender: Herm
eye color: purple
hair color: rainbow
pony devil
wears a fedora and adidas and leggings
originalcharacter donut steel please
originally a MLP character, but I found she adapts well in any series
- Reply
Kill me.
Internate: Later.
- Reply
gender: fem
eye color: dark red
hair color: dark black
vampire princess
wares only black leather and highheal shoes
OC, I own the rights!
Sometimes she is a good guy but can also be bad guy when she feels like it.
- Reply