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Uploadersgtrip, avatar
TagsFriendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, Trixie_Lulamoon, animated
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Info768x693 // 244KB // gif
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sgtrip: I animated it but original picture belongs to evilke
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Anonymous1: @sgtrip: Is the original even on this site? If it is, you have to >>link it
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JCD: >>836737
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Pootis: Why am I not surprised to see a sub-standard quality "animation" by bronies?
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bAv-R34: @Pootis: Because OP is a faggot.
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Anonymous2: are you serious
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Roflcakes: As far as animation goes, this is as lazy as it gets. 2 frames is seriously all you could be bothered to do?
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Anonymous3: Well you'd have to ask yourself 'is it even worth the time and effort?' After all, this is pony shit we are dealing with here.
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laterman002: Why are you guys making porn of horses you sick fucks.
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Anonymous4: ^ *Ponies. Not horses. Learn the difference, it could save your life.
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Anonymous5: @Gomenasai: keep telling yourself there's a difference between the two.
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Anonymous6(5): wow. this is fucking terrible.
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Anonymous7(4): Keep telling yourself that heavily cartoonized imagery of sentient characters have exactly the same aesthetics as the real life thing they're vaguely based on.
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Anonymous8(3): @Gomenasai Keep telling yourself that furfag.
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Anonymous9(4): user image
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laterman002: Ughh Stupid Brony go jack off to more horses you sick fuck. Theya re basicaly horses but in your godforsaken mind they are ponies and that you still live in the pony world well your a dumbass ponyman and a scourge to humans.
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Anonymous10(4): If you're going with that logic, then humans are basically monkeys. I don't see you complaining about that.

user image
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laterman002: Um your the one who's sick here buddy and making fun of a serious sickness like AIDS is really horrible and you actually trying to prove us wrong(which you can't) And trying to be a smart-ass and Defending a fanbase which is the most hated the most retarded and the most idiot fanbase ever, Is very Amusing to me and posting pictures just makes you more of a idiot, I feel sorry for your parents to live with a kid who likes to fuck horses rather than real women.
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Tetragrammaton: @Gomenasai: You must be very offended if you're having to resort to using pictures for replies ...
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Anonymous11(4): >Implying you haven't run out of arguments since you resort to personal attacks and calling me out on image posting.

All your 'arguments' are nothing but strawmen at this point. I just keep replying because I'm enjoying this.
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Tetragrammaton: @Gomenasai: lateran002 pretty much has you beat bud, I'd just stop right there if I were you.
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Anonymous12(4): Whatever helps you sleep at night, darling.
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Tetragrammaton: @Gomenasai: I'm just trying to help save yourself from embarrassment.
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bAv-R34: @Tetragrammaton: Your comment made me facepalm.
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Thumper: any animated character is a toon first, before anything else. And the majority of any of the pony characters substance are the world-class adult, human, feminine voices this show is blessed with. Apart from the top-notch animation, consistently good scripts, engaging character development and quality voice acting, the show just leaves you feeling good too. -in a good way.. +1
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Anonymous13: Fuck all brony haters
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Anonymous14(13): I mean, if you think about it, everyone is entitled to there own likes and opinions, if u think anthro ponies or pony porn in general is fucked up, then fuck u! Let everyone be themselves!
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Anonymous15: Ohh look, the anti-bronies are all butthurt, how cute.
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Anonymous16(15): It is fun to reply to a bunch of 6-year old anti bronies raging for pretty much no reason
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Anonymous17(13): I know right
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Anonymous18: @laterman002: So you‘re not here to wank to a toon or game character? Because R34 is almost based completely around it.

You and Lat both look like you‘re talking out of your ass.
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Anonymous19: Anon12 I'm with ya
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poniesforever36: @laterman002: The fact that you have an account on this site means you must have a thing for SOME type of animated creature. I just happen to prefer ponies.
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Anonymous20: Have you forgotten what site were on? It's called rule 34. And we're on the Internet, so what if we fap to ponies, and who cares if their horses or ponies. Who cares? It's the Internet deal with it. No one cares about your stupid opinions,
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Anonymous21(20): Oh look! 6 year old haters are getting mad!! Do you want me to call your mommy?
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Anonymous22: >On a site about porn of everything
>Mad about porn of something

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