Anonymous11: i dont want to hate against futa (watever floats your boat) but please dont forget us straight fans fugtrup (your animations are the best)
fishmonger: I know how they procreate, but how do asari have sex recreationally? Since both genders of Shepard can have sex with asari, I'd like to imagine they can possess whatever sex organs they need whenever they want. Dick today, vagina tomorrow... that kind of thing.
Anonymous23: I'm really impressed by this one, it has enough detail that one of the hands that's holding a cock pushes another cock to the side a bit just like it would if it was really happening.
Anonymous29: How in the actual fuck do people consider futa on female gay? I can't even fathom the thought process for this. Do they consider it lesbian?
Vindicare: Don't understand all the futa hate...i mean i'm straight and it's a bit odd but if they're nailing a chick, i find it completely fap-worthy xD
Anonymous34(33): I want to get on my knees with those five cocks around me like Miranda but I want Miranda to have an even bigger one and shove it in my mouth and I'll jerk off the other five till they cum on my face (or in my mouth if they prefer)
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*rage fap*
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I smell denial.
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Because they doesn't exist?
Except for the giant blue boob and the fact that it's pretty obvious what they are in context.
Also, Lul at all the bitter shitheads trying to tell everyone what their sexuality is because they're fond of futanari.
Think about that one for a while.
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Great work! I'd love to fap one of those futadicks...
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