Anonymous8: Okay bad news, tumblr got Gara's blog & his nsfw blog down for one reason: Anais porn. He should've drawn more Molly Collins porn than drawing some young pink bunny crap.
Random_Anon: @Anonymous: Brudda...I hate to interfere with your fetishes, but Molly's a dinosaur...I understand Anais is a little farshot and not really a region to touch...but asking for Molly porn isn't really gonna bring out much anymore...
Hmm...why not attempt to draw some yourself?
Mole: I have a nearly finished [screen edit] version of pretty much the same pic. Except its a hand job, Nicloe is naked, Penny just walked in, and no censor bar. I guess it's pretty close to canon so not that much of a stretch.
Anonymous18: @Anonymous: Funny how you think drawing a fucking dinosaur in a sexual manner is more normal than drawing a *quote* underage *end quote* bunny.
(She has no age, she doesn't exist. You must be fucking retarded or something.)
Mom, stahp.
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Hmm...why not attempt to draw some yourself?
Instead, her "help" usually consisted of throwing me a half-finished pack of Camel's unfiltered while yelling me to mix a Long Island Tea.
"Thanks for the cigs and the tea, ma'"
-"Those ain't for you, you little queer, and hurry up with that drink. Those fucking smokes better be lit when you come back as well, fucker!"
And that's how I became a Porkyman master.
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(She has no age, she doesn't exist. You must be fucking retarded or something.)
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