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TagsFriendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, Trixie_Lulamoon, Whatsapokemon
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Anonymous1: user image
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Anonymous2: this one is fine I guess. at least it's not a smug asshole.
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Anonymous3: Not too bad but, OCs are sad ass faces. lol
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Anonymous4: ocs are gay as fuck
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Anonymous5: What the hell are people's problems with OCs? As long as they're not foxes or alicorns or "smug assholes", what's the problem? Sheesh, just shut up and fap already.
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Anonymous6: I do not.
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Nuxersopus: @Anonymous: But he has TWO WHOLE LINES OF BODYPAINT on his body.
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Anonymous7: Haha, are you guys really that mad, about my OC?
The color scheme isn't terrible, he doesn't have a weird, multicolored and wacky mane.

Aside from those 2 lines (scars) to make him different from other ponies, I see nothing wrong with it. ^^

Anyway, just do what Anon3 said, and clop already. XD
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PinkBallons: @Anonymous: I hate that "My OC has to stand out" logic. Your cutie mark and color scheme should be plenty; all you're doing by adding scars is showing what a furfag you are.
Besides, there are so many OC's with scars out there. It's not even original or clever.
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Anonymous8(7): @PinkBallons

I didn't mean it like that, what I meant to say is that it's an OC. He needs a story, a personality, a meaning in life if you will.

Yeah, there might be many OC's with scars out there, but if the artist behind the OC can make a cool story to justify them, I think it's a nice trait to have.

Anyway, what is "unique" nowadays?
If somebody was to make a pony with a cowboy hat, would you call it a Braeburn or AJ rip-off?

Oh, and calling names isn't a way to prove your point. :/
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Anonymous9(7): Oh, and in all honesty. I probably won't check this post again.
I'm sorry if it looks like I'm shrugging you off, I'm not.

If you feel the need to talk to me, you can always use Google's image search, to find my blog.

See ya ^^
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PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Scars do not a personality make. What kind of story involving scars like that would even remotely fit in with the FiM universe?
No, because there are a ton of characters in-show who actually have hats. It's not obnoxious on its own.
My point is that you shouldn't try to make your OC unique solely through physical traits, because that isn't nearly as important as personality. It isn't difficult to think up some silly-looking OC, but thinking up a likeable one is.
Around here, a furfag is someone who creates-let's say "unbelievable-" OC's and pairs them with canon characters.
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IffrytusMasakado: haman karn has spoken i guess.
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Anonymous10: Agreed pink balloon .. Agreed
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Anonymous11: I both agree and disagree, 1. I actually like OCs so stop getting on him for that yet also 2. Using clothes and cutie mark is more than enough to make something original example Bitter Synth has Electronic dance marks as a cutie mark and stereo headphones to show his liking to DJ. Can we all get along now?
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PinkBallons: @Anonymous: I never said OCs are bad, and I would never get on someone simply for making one.
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Anonymous12(4): Artist OC should reflect characteristics of the Artist.Needs:
Giant Belly
Skin covering of Cheeto Dust
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20pixels: People that get their knickers in a twist over OCs in a show about colorful prancing magical ponies are pretty lulzy.
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Anonymous13: *clop clop clop*
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Anonymous15: Best Trixie's R34 ever! Perfect!
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Black_Fennec: First of all: I totally love Trixie. I would love to live together with her.
But I have to say: I love to see her getting fucked by another stallion especially when it is an OC.
It is the most amazing thing for me to see my loved Trixie getting fucked by somepony else in front of me.

I am for more OCxTrixie!
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SwiperTheFox: The OC isn't terrible. He just has a shitty mane coloring (in my opinion) and the scars are... *blargh* (ditto).
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Black_Fennec: My opinion: I like the design of this OC.
But I have to say that I don't care about the design. The more important thing for me is that Trixie is together with an OC and it doesn't matter how it is designed.

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