MC-W1SH: @Chef Retardee: Background Canterlot pony Orion, he was first seen at The Best Night Ever, he's seen in the background in a number of episodes.
You know if you think about it, the lack of straight stuff isn't that surprising if you look at the show itself.
Males and females practically NEVER interact with each other. It's like, incredibly rare. However, all the females interact with eachother all the time, so lesbians is just the most logical approach.
bAv-R34: @Zetchzie: I do believe you mean "Lol yeah you're an idiot, we all know. Now go play with your toys." That makes no fucking sense anyways.
Are you implying that I am an underaged child, my dear boy? I suggest you stop using ad hominem like a faggot thirteen-year-old and get on my fucking level.
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Also, he likes cocks.
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Inb4 mc-w1sh your homophobic.
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Also, I remember that one mail pony everybody was fighting over what his orientation should be, it's just fucking pathetic.
You know if you think about it, the lack of straight stuff isn't that surprising if you look at the show itself.
Males and females practically NEVER interact with each other. It's like, incredibly rare. However, all the females interact with eachother all the time, so lesbians is just the most logical approach.
I really don't want you to see Little Lulu.
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By reading that, I felt my IQ dropping.
What the fuck. Seriously, fandumb?
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I really don't understand why.
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That makes no fucking sense anyways.
Are you implying that I am an underaged child, my dear boy? I suggest you stop using ad hominem like a faggot thirteen-year-old and get on my fucking level.
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