Nowhereman-SinisterSerpent-: So, can't we even MENTION PKNM on the comments? and you get all surprised when valiant soldiers of Uranus commit acts of war...
Anonymous4(2): i am anon 2. mc-wish the artist said that a few of his art including this with spike and the one for lucario and riolu >>508900 was removed by an admin. the admin - who is a new recruit - clearly said that basic pkmn are now cub and is trying to ban said art and other mlp stuff. it does not make sense since the last version of this showed spike doing a leglock on rarity instead of sex - the last edit that was acceptable on that site. this is why you see this. this is the source. please tell him how you feel there.
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Plus uploading.
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Also, I think this was edited from someone else BAGINAZARD work is far more different.
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@Anonymous: It's just another crossover between Pokémon and MLP:FiM.
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