Anonymous9: @Anonymous: it takes how many years for you to start bitching about this sorta thing? also, pretty funny, should be featured for at least a day.
Fight_A_Bear: @Anonymous: And this is the best you can do for a comeback, Captain 'The South Shall Rise Again'?
I suggest the type who'll give you a prescription for a heavy medication you hopefully choke on.
Anonymous12(1): @Fight_A_Bear: just trying to start out light motherfucker. If the south does "rise again" I'll be sure to put you on a list of pricks wanted dead not alive. Yep not alive gayass, Because the world doesn't need your shit .
Fight_A_Bear: @Anonymous: 'Start out light', huh?
Get over yourself, man. Your dream world is gone, over with, past it all. Never will be.
Get that through your head, then come back and face me. And while you're at it, there's this thing you might want to try, it's called 'Hooked on Phonics'. You'd be amazed at what it can do.
Anonymous14(1): @Fight_A_Bear: my dream world maybe gone but many people like me still have a vision of white USA .anyways enough of your wiseass ways. When people like you don't understand things like start out light , means light insults dumbass, but you are to fucking stupid to know that aren't you. The mark of death was put on you for a fucking reason . So that people can kill you.
Anonymous15(1): @Fight_A_Bear: no, I hate the Taliban ,and any forgein terrorists,drug lords etc. that would harm the USA . The same goes for any domestic terrorists. But if they are white they better have a good reason to commit terrorism. Besides we killed Osama bin laden , even though barrack Obama is still screwing this country . It could be come a communist state .
Fight_A_Bear: @Anonymous: The things you say remind me of goldfish shit: Looping, insignificant, and it needs to be removed.
Even so, with all the horrible, ancient ideals you support, with all the text diarrhea that pours forth from your fingers, you give me a good feeling.
I mean, after all, it is pretty refreshing to know that, no matter how much of a spiteful, contemptible asshole I can be and very much am, I'm still better than you in every possible way.
Anonymous19(1): @Fight_A_Bear: no, you are not better than me in every way .even though I give you a "feeling" . Some these ideals are not ancient they are happening in other countries that need to happen here . As for goldfish shit . I think you eaten that crap before . The diarhea part you do the same shit there to wiseass.there people like me out there in world you can't stop me or my people.
Anonymous22(1): Anon 8 go to hell . You haven't said shit to about USA ddumbass.yes, i am patriotic till I die or till some forgein power , idoit moron takes the rights of Every USA citizen , or till I get killed. So if you don't like what PISS OFF ! Just look a the country of United Kingdom , the communists countries of china, North Korea , Cuba . We don't need to be like them . I forgot to mention Iran ,and the other Arab countries . The only country I ASLO like Israel that country has hot actress like Natalie portman and is ally to the us, anybody that is a ally to the USA is ok with me. So fuck off moron,ANON 8.
Fight_A_Bear: @Anonymous: A four-square Rubik's Cube painted the same color on all six sides could stop 'your people'.
Intolerance will get us nowhere. We've seen this many times over the course of history.
Though I wouldn't expect you to dig that book out from under your door long enough to read up on that.
Anonymous23: @Anonymous: *implies that socialism and communism is the same thing* Now I knew that racist homophobic retards were stupid...but REALLY? Either your a very creative troll, or your one of the most retarded people I have ever seen, even online.
You also seem have alot in common with mr Breivik, in the sense that both of you seem to have imaginary friends. Sure there might be some stupid racists just like you, but I'm fairly certain that they are basement dwellers that won't ever do something but rant about imagined injustices against "the white man".
Not to mention that your latest post shows how little you know about foreign countries if you think that the UK is a bad place to live.
Anonymous24(1): @Anonymous: @Fight_A_Bear: both of you are fucking retarded . I know a lot about foreign countries, dumbass idoitic fags. If you want to lose your rights and get invaded or turn into a police state ,communist state, sure go head but I'll fight till my last dying that this country stays white non-white,non-terrorist,non-druggie,non-gay/shemale country. This argument as well as this conversation is over. But on this last note I bid thee I fucking day fucking your gay lovers, get high on drugs with your non-white friends. So PISS THE FUCK OFF YOU STUPID UGLY MOTHERFUCKERS BASTRDS PEICE OF SHIT WHORES!
Fight_A_Bear: @Anonymous: One: It's mildly hypocritical of you to call us idiots when you can't spell the word,
Two: It's HIGHLY hypocritical for you to profess a police state as a bad thing when it's the only time your particular skillset of illiteracy, xenophobia, and cowardice will come in handy, and
Three: Whatever happened to 'these colors don't run'? I didn't say you were finished here, Private Pyle. Get your sorry ass back here and stand the fuck up straight, or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck.
Oh, fuck, I forgot that you hate it when people count around you.
>>My Little Black Cock
is not an authentic tag
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I suggest the type who'll give you a prescription for a heavy medication you hopefully choke on.
Get over yourself, man. Your dream world is gone, over with, past it all. Never will be.
Get that through your head, then come back and face me. And while you're at it, there's this thing you might want to try, it's called 'Hooked on Phonics'. You'd be amazed at what it can do.
I'm Going to hell.
Even so, with all the horrible, ancient ideals you support, with all the text diarrhea that pours forth from your fingers, you give me a good feeling.
I mean, after all, it is pretty refreshing to know that, no matter how much of a spiteful, contemptible asshole I can be and very much am, I'm still better than you in every possible way.
people like him make this country look like faggots.
Intolerance will get us nowhere. We've seen this many times over the course of history.
Though I wouldn't expect you to dig that book out from under your door long enough to read up on that.
You also seem have alot in common with mr Breivik, in the sense that both of you seem to have imaginary friends. Sure there might be some stupid racists just like you, but I'm fairly certain that they are basement dwellers that won't ever do something but rant about imagined injustices against "the white man".
Not to mention that your latest post shows how little you know about foreign countries if you think that the UK is a bad place to live.
Two: It's HIGHLY hypocritical for you to profess a police state as a bad thing when it's the only time your particular skillset of illiteracy, xenophobia, and cowardice will come in handy, and
Three: Whatever happened to 'these colors don't run'? I didn't say you were finished here, Private Pyle. Get your sorry ass back here and stand the fuck up straight, or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck.
Oh, fuck, I forgot that you hate it when people count around you.