Jebus-Kreist: Could of made Fox any size, chose to make him impossibly big... Probably doesn't help his belly button is too high and krystal is disproportionate.
Anonymous10: @Deathcock: She's supposed to be comparing the size of Fox's dick to her forearm and is a little scared about the idea of it going inside of her.
Dr_Octogonapus: @Jebus-Kriest: Fox's dick being painfully large (for Krystal) is the whole point of it, and what do you mean, "disproportionate"? She looks perfect to me. Anyway, great pic.
Jebus-Kreist: @Dr_Octogonapus: her actual skeletal size appears to be up to 25% smaller then fox, although she herself in actuality is taller then fox. She's been made smaller to make him look bigger, of which is only noticeable if you pay attention to the details.
Jebus-Kreist: @Anonymous: ah... but even if she is the same height in the series his penis in this picture is still the most damning evidence there is.
Average persons forearm and hand in a fist shape together should be around 14 inchs. His penis, appears to be anywhere from 11-12inches depending on where you measure from. The belly button SHOULD be about 7-1/2 inches from the top of the penis. His penis is anywhere from 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 inches longer. I threw away the idea that the belly button was too high because of the lack of rib-cage or other detail, plus it makes more sense this way.
If his dick was actually the 11-12incher this is suggesting, according to the other details of the picture. Fox has been made taller then her, and quite substantially for his anatomy to make sense. Either that, or Krystal has been shrunk to a size where her fist/forearm is only about 10inches, which would make her 29% smaller then she should be.
Jebus-Kreist: @Deathcock: It's knowledge of anatomy, maybe learn it at some point so you can draw yourself. And 3, I'm not one who goes around and has such bad relationship skills that I lose my GF within a week of getting her.
Jebus-Kreist: @Anonymous: In a way you will actually understand, Fox is either 29% bigger or krystal is 29% smaller then they should be. Anatomically a disaster if they are suppose to be the same height.
Jebus-Kreist: @Deathcock: lets quote shall we, since you cant see the words infront of your face... "And 3, I'm not one who goes around and has such bad relationship skills that I lose my GF within a week of getting her."
Jebus-Kreist: @Deathcock: Oh boo hoo you cannot win the argument so you result to petty insults... prove to everyone some more how immature you are in the face of defeat.
Anonymous14: Sure is arguing about anatomy of fantasy characters in here.
Besides who the hell has an 11-12 inch arm? That's more like 16-18 inches. Speaking of which, artist mentioned the possibility of a Part 2, can't wait to see it.
Jebus-Kreist: @Anonymous: PLUS, it is going to be funny as all fuck seeing the drastic change in scale between the 2 if he makes a part2. Unless of coarse he makes him 6 feet tall and her 4'4. Because that's how drastic the difference is.
Jebus-Kreist: @Tetragrammaton: I would, if it wasn't specifically stated that they ARE THE SAME HEIGHT, but her skeletal size is similar to a a 12-14 year old(depending on growth rate).
So maybe you shouldn't just pop in unattended to try and show me up
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Poor Krystal. XD
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Average persons forearm and hand in a fist shape together should be around 14 inchs. His penis, appears to be anywhere from 11-12inches depending on where you measure from. The belly button SHOULD be about 7-1/2 inches from the top of the penis. His penis is anywhere from 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 inches longer. I threw away the idea that the belly button was too high because of the lack of rib-cage or other detail, plus it makes more sense this way.
If his dick was actually the 11-12incher this is suggesting, according to the other details of the picture. Fox has been made taller then her, and quite substantially for his anatomy to make sense. Either that, or Krystal has been shrunk to a size where her fist/forearm is only about 10inches, which would make her 29% smaller then she should be.
Anything else you would like to say my friend?
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So what's the answer to my other question? Did that affect how much sex you had after that? Guys can be included. It doesn't have to be girls.
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Besides who the hell has an 11-12 inch arm? That's more like 16-18 inches. Speaking of which, artist mentioned the possibility of a Part 2, can't wait to see it.
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So maybe you shouldn't just pop in unattended to try and show me up
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