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Tagsfeatured_image, inanimate, tetrapod, wave_breaker
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Info700x900 // 352KB // png
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AnOniMouse: Well they don't call them 'groins' for nothin'!
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Anonymous1: Feature this
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Robot_Chicken: holy shit feature
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dernet: I find this moderately difficult to masturbate to.
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Anonymous2: 34 at its finest.
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Anonymous3: I don't know whose idea it was to sexualize a damn wave breaker but it's working... c_c
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AnOniMouse: I'd hit it like Poseidon hit Odyseus with that Agean storm.
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Anonymous4: r34 triumphs again.

Necessary feature.
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Titanium: Featured!

Also, these actually accelerate erosion... yeah Japan.

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Anonymous5: Looked like disembodied lower part of a female at first. Let's face it, that's the closest thing you've gotten to "straight" in years now, Titfailium.
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Titanium: Anon4 - you miss the previous feature?
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Anonymous6: wut.jpg
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Sintime: *adjusts monicle*
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nosebleed: i dont know what this crap is but its not rule 34
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Titanium: ^Funny, I think it is.

Tetrapods exist. This is porn of them.
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dernet: After some consideration I find this significantly easier to masturbate to than I initially estimated. Look at those curves. Yowza.
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Anonymous7: Why do people like tetrapods so much? Even if I was a child I wouldn't put them in my sea. There's an infinite ammount of better constructed ammount of wave breakers better than this.
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Anonymous8: Never have I been more attracted to a large concrete object.
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Tailsfan01: What is that looks like one of those mannequinns you see in stores LOL
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Anonymous10: fap fap fap
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Anonymous11: This is more than senseless.
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Anonymous12: @Anon6: Yes, but this is Japan, and no other wavebreaker looks quite so suggestively shmexy.
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Anonymous13(12): Too bad they didn't have some of these during the Great Wave off Kanagawa
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Anonymous14: I feel legitimatly sorry for anyone who gets off to this.
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Anonymous15(12): God bless rule34. This is what I love about this place. Where most people would see a piece of concrete we see three conjoined crotches.
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Anonymous16: I find it impossible to fap to this. However, this image means someone out there actually does and is probably molesting a defenseless tetrapod at a dark and lonely beach. Rule 34 at its finest, and kudos to the artist for the abundant imagination.
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Anonymous17: Anon13: Why would you? Did you get hit in the head or something?
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imaajfpstnfo: of course it's japonees
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Anonymous18: I don't get it...
It's a bunch of panties strapped on a three pegged block to look like crotches. So what?
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Anonymous19: I guess when the site says 'If it exist, there is porn of it' it means just that. lol
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duckpenisexpert: I'm a little turned on. o_o But then again, I had a HOT ass teacher in high school who made learning about these interesting....

...because I undressed him with my eyes as he lectured. XD
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Anonymous20: Not Porn Definitions
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korblborp: wait, so, you feature stuff on topical issues, and the site just had a thing, but MLP was the return feature? and now this?
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imaajfpstnfo: duckpenisexpert .... what kind of school did yo go to? Lectures about tetrapods?
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imaajfpstnfo: Okay that sounded stupid. Of course you learn about tetrapods in biology.
I meant the wave breakers of course.
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Anonymous21: Anon14: Actually it's four conjoined crotches.

So is anyone else seeing six pairs of boobs or am I squinting too hard?
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Sabata_Lucian: Hott!!
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Anonymous22: Oh finally, a feature that isn't MLP that you can actually snicker at.
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Anonymous23: wow a new tag(wave breaker)
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Anonymous24: This is rule 34
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SirWankALot: Yea this is sad... anyways any1 know the tag for dragon age?
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Gannondorf: ^ Dragon_Age. Also, we now officially have porn of everything.
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Anonymous25: I don't get it at all
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SirWankALot: ^i highly doubt there's only 1 DA picture on rule 34...
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HicksDuck: It's dragon_age_origins I think.
Also, that is one hot tetrapod.
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SirWankALot: ^nope...
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anon0: IT'S A TRAP!!!!

Nobody else did it, I did it.
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Anonymous26: fuck geometry
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Anonymous27: The first thing I thought when I saw this was a 4 Snack Packs having sex.
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Anonymous28: ^that's also rule34...

*grabs my camera and wallet* I'm off the the convenience store, brb.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: Dat tetrapod...
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Anonymous29: i ran over my cat in the drive way.
i feel better now.
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Anonymous30: And once again Rule 34 amazes me.
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Titanium: korblborp - MLP was topical (new season started). But also I like to mix it up every now and then. Yesterday was Blasphemy Day and I thought of featuring something for that, but we had a religion feature week earlier.
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Poseidon13: This is Dron Tactics (DS).
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Anonymous31: :)
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analman: Did you know that there are no non-japanese wikipedo articles on this subject? Or anything at all, and yet these thinge made it into japanese mainstream media already? State your sources! if there are any....
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Anonymous32: odd........its an odd shape wearing panties or something.......
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Shock_Headed_Penor: This would have made Katamari Damacy more interesting.
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Anonymous33: wut?
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Krawczyk: Now stack one on top of the other. Tetramannequod! Silent Hill just got a whole lot sexier!
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MrAnon: I still don't see porn... but.. Whatever *Shrugs shoulders*
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Anonymous34: behold, SCIENCE
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Anonymous35(20): Get yor fapping rocks off.
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Anonymous36(20): How is this breaking waves.
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Anonymous37(20): This rock hard pron is hard picture.
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Vicarious_Reality: These things... break... waves? What the hel?
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Anonymous38: ..........Why?
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Anonymous39: F
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Hatred_27: I'm into some pretty weird and kinky stuff but this picture and the accompanying comments do genuinely make me worry about the future of the human race...
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Anonymous40(5): Dude, dude, dude... science is gayer than a brony fisting Justin Bieber with Adam Lambert's sparkly, severed arm.
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Anonymous41: this scares me i dont know why it just looks frightning to me.

reminds me of silent hill there is something horrificly wrong about this picture.
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Anonymous42: Damn you humans for createing something about anon 38 idk im going to go choke myself on a 50 p MCnuggets, Later all
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Toof: Hot.
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Anonymous43: I.. I don't understand.. am I supposed to.. put it in there?
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___Jester___: haven't checked in a few day good too see you back
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Htoonlover: @dernet: "I find this moderately difficult to masturbate to. "
@Titanium: "...Also, these actually accelerate erosion... yeah Japan...."

in contrast to 'dernet' i find its actually taking care of itself, i haven't even began to touch my PP and its already starting to leak! its sure 'accelerating' something aside from erosion.
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Anonymous44(20): Hello people and get rocks off.
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Anonymous45(20): Rock and Roll.
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Anonymous46(20): The rock is hard and up.
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Anonymous47: Rule 34 will never cease to amaze me.

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Anonymous48: the fuck?
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beeto45: this is CRAP! why don't they
Feature quality hot pics instead of
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Anonymous49: such a shame this is the only tetrapod drawing. Wouldn't mind to see more of this
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Scatavaganza: I would totally buy an inflatable version of this to keep at home...
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concavius: This is the pinnacle of r34
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Anonymous50: I CAME!!!

(Also, did Anon 27 get anywhere with his idea?)
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Anonymous51: Reminds me of the mannequins from silent hill 2
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Anonymous52: For more like this check out my onigiri submission.

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