Anonymous4: @Anonymous: there is no every magical creature in every dimension, they weren’t even riled on the magic realm to make them live, they don’t even live in the same dimension, it only turns off the magical powers, and no every creature is magical or connected to the magical realm, it’s a separate realm that has no connected to the magical creature in every dimensions, it only affects the magical high commission and glosseryck, get your head straight dude. I can’t believe you just took this thing out of nowhere when you don’t even bothered to look up and do your research.
Anonymous5(4): @Anonymous: there’s is no genocide, there isn’t a magical creature in every dimension that’s connected or even riled on the magical realm to make them live, there is no evidence that every magical creature that is connected to the realm, you don’t have anything to proof of your false fact.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Or maybe it was just a poorly-thought-out way to hurriedly end a series they hadn't planned on ending as soon as they did. And maybe that's why all the magical creatures survived the end of magic, including the character who is a literally just a flying severed horse head.
Anonymous7(4): @Anonymous: not All magical creatures are gone, the puppies are normal, Tom still have powers and still travel, Daron confirm it herself. She said she wrote it an open ending, and she knew she gets season 4, the executives didn’t meddle her show. She have free control the show.