Swift_Nimblefoot: @Anonymous: It's 2E/3E. All the dragons here have been in existence since AD&D 2E, I am a big old school D&D nerd. ;) If you check the tags, you can see it's all five chromatic (evil) dragon types vs. all five metallic (good) dragons.
Swift_Nimblefoot: @Swift_Nimblefoot: Indeed! I added two whites, and two greens, since the face of the first green was obscured and the body of one of the whites is covered by the gold girl's wings... besides, Metallics are more powerful, so the Chromatics need the extra girlpower. :)
Anonymous4: Are they half-dragons, Dragonborn of the gods, or true dragons polymorphed? Either way, nice! Reminds me of one I'm working on, but it lacks metallics, and it's 1 hobgoblin getting them all while the rest of the party parttakes of others :3
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