She was also the hot rocker chick in the music video "Misanthropy" by the group "The Illness".
Prospective futa artists may want to take note of the comedy bit at the end of the Misanthropy video where she's revealed to be a guy. A saw a twitter feed saying she got married recently, maybe someone should whip up a picture of Tracy Espeleta in a wedding dress raping the groom. Just a thought...
She was also the hot rocker chick in the music video "Misanthropy" by the group "The Illness".
Prospective futa artists may want to take note of the comedy bit at the end of the Misanthropy video where she's revealed to be a guy. A saw a twitter feed saying she got married recently, maybe someone should whip up a picture of Tracy Espeleta in a wedding dress raping the groom. Just a thought...
"Now here's a rarity. That's 34 of Tracy Espeleta, the assistant producer of Dante's Inferno and Deadspace.
Dante's Inferno
She was also the hot rocker chick in the music video "Misanthropy" by the group "The Illness".
I still repeat the call for someone to draw her with a dick, in a wedding dress raping her husband. Any takers?..