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TagsLeague_of_Legends, Renekton, Suzu4649, featured_image
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Info693x893 // 709KB // png
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FIRExCRAZY: Did you have to look up a crocodile penis?
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Anonymous1: @FIRExCRAZY: Well, at least it's accurate, right?
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Gamma: thats a cock like mine ^^
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Decanter: Featured.

kekeke zerg rush
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Puruuni: what wouldn't you do for art
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BobaFettish42: FINALLY! A decent featured image.
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SwiperTheFox: Why was this featured?
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Anonymous2: NEEDLE DICK!
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Fara_Phoenix: @Anonymous: I guess that's why they call it a 'prick', eh?
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rush123: Furries are becoming to powerful. They must be stopped.
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Feathery_Duck: "Leatherhead did a very successful reconversion in porn after the end of the 80's TMNT series."
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Anonymous3: Lol I just beat renekton as nasus and now I get to fap to featured porn of him.

Ty mods and admin of this site =)

Infernal Nasus: I will show you how a real shuriman fucks, Renekton.

Renekton respawns and looks his jungler: What do I have something in my teeth!?


Infernal Nasus: Now wheres fuckboy at?
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meow-meow: ew... league of legends...
might aswell feature minecraft shit
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meow-meow: @meow-meow:
(and tag it league_of_legends. might be accurate, thats how original the game is)
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meow-meow: and by not the way, whats with the popups?
they come like every second time i click. im afraid to click now
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Scatavaganza: user image
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Farfegnugen: @meow-meow: AdBlocker. I turned it off once and I got flooded with malware, talking ads, and pop-ups. Never again.
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MamaGoat: inb4 Bad Dragon
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Nightweaver20xx: One has to ask why nature gave crocs dicks that look like that.
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Ad0lf_Hitler: Damn that croc got balls ON his dick.
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JWN926: @Nightweaver20xx: One would also question how someone knows what a croc dick looks like...
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Anonymous4: this being a feature is a testament to the kind of uber losers that run the place
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Anonymous5(4): @Nightweaver20xx: one has to ask why subhuman retard faggots like you still live
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JWN926: And yet here you are, coming to this site.
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Farfegnugen: @MamaGoat: I have zero problem with banners, including Bad Dragon's, however if banner ads make up over 50% of the page, that's too much.
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AnonV3: That's awful. Is the ring-o-scales around his dick part of his armor? His skin? Really, it ought to be a space between the scales his dick comes out of but I guess that would be too small for the faggy penis-worship on this site. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go fap to Snake and Otacon having anal.
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Anonymous6: @AnonV3: I'm pretty damn sure it's part of his skin, because his skirt/loincloth is explicitly around one ankle; leading me to believe it's pulled down to show off his dick. Also, there is a ring like that when an alligator's/crocodile's dick pops out. Not exactly, and it might have helped if it was more organically chaotic in the scale pattern, but overall I don't think you stared at his dick long enough.

Shame on you. >_>
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Anonymous7(6): @Nightweaver20xx: Humans don't have the most typical penis of the animal kingdom. Like how the foreskin doesn't keep the penis inside the body, for instance, and also the lack of a penis bone.

Animals are pretty diverse, particularly the genitalia, and that includes humans.
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Nightweaver20xx: @Anonymous: Ah, yes, childish insults: The refuge of the small-minded. I pity you, that you know no other way to communicate.
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Anonymous8: memes
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AnonV3: @Anonymous: The thing is, croc dick images show that the scales morph and stretch to accommodate the penis. This show just some ... frankly out of place ring o' scales that match this guy's back and sides and not his underbelly. So yeah, that's awful. On the plus side, that dick isn't that far off what exists in nature compared to the torso.

On the negative, I just spent five minutes staring at different crocodile dick images on the internet ... Google is going to be a little whack for a bit.
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Farfegnugen: @AnonV3: Glad someone did so I won't have to.
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JWN926: @meow-meow: At this point I can only assume you're too dumb to help yourself. I shall now watch with popcorn as you suffer.
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meow-meow: @JWN926:

whatever, do what you want.
i dont want an adblocker, since the ads, which actually give money to the site owners, dont annoy me unless it hinders the usage of the site for this long, this many times.
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phaide: Does not deserve feature.
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ilr: @meow-meow: this.
All in favor of featuring a non-dragon "scaly" for once. But fuckin hell ... LOL needs to hurry up and go the way of the dinosaurs
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Anonymous9: >shit featured

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Feathery_Duck: @meow-meow: Same here. I may occasionally click on an ad, but I *LOATHE* pop-ups. They make me feel insulted, rub me the wrong way, and drive me away immediately.
Just like that obnoxious fad of amping the sound during commercial breaks. ["MUTE"]

Advertisers, take a fucking hint already!
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gnar24: I want to sit on Renekton's cock until he fills me up with his semen and me cumming all over his sexy pecs and abs. :3
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: Renekton: Still you. *slugs in chest*
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Anonymous11: Guys better stop fapping and fuck real woman in your city, your can find them on

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