Anonymous3: isn't that little green guy named "Doop" or something similar? he needs a tag, and i have no idea how to do that, nor do I really want to learn.
fishmonger: @Anonymous: You mean because he's mentioned in the chat? That's not enough reason to tag someone. I mean, if that was the case, we'd have to tag Professor X, X-23, Mystique, Toad, Beast, and some others I don't know (princesspower, masterempath, mutantmessiah) just because they're in the room list.
tyciol: I can't believe this is the only Molly+Wolverine art around.
She is literally in love with him and wants to marry to and he is probably the only one who could survive fucking someone with as much strength as She-Hulk.
mutantmessiah, would that be hope or Cable?
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Not you Logan, I came here for you.
good deadpool refrence
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I mean they have spent time together...
and then...
there should be porn of them together though.
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She is literally in love with him and wants to marry to and he is probably the only one who could survive fucking someone with as much strength as She-Hulk.