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TagsDAHR, Invisible_Pink_Unicorn, Russell's_teapot, atheism, featured_image, religion
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Info425x684 // 42KB // png
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Anonymous1: This joke is too smart for this place
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SpY: Tully, there is no god.
Also, trollface.jpg
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SpY: *Truly
I fucking hate iPhone.
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Anonymous2: Now someone should /34 the dragon in my garage
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Titanium: Atheism Feature!
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LoboBobo: LOL
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Anonymous3: Hate to say it, but Anon1 is right. Somebody might have to explain to me what this... this thing has to do with atheism...
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Anonymous4: I think anon2 is high
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Anonymous5: I wonder how many people understood this without having to look it up?
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UncleSpongeSmoke: I lol'd. (IQ must be >80 to understand)
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Read and learn. :D
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shotalink: Also this:
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Anonymous6: Needs more being raped by the flying spaghetti monster
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ImSpiderman: my favorite is actually:
rule 34 on that now.
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Anonymous7: FAP FAP FAP
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GreenBanana: Arbitrary memes are not valid criteria for rule34. Remove this.
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Anonymous8: my first thought was "i'm the best at space"...i'm either special or the best at space...
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Anonymous9: Can't have an atheism party without the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He will touch you with his noodelly appendages.
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Anonymous10: "We know she is invincible because we can't see her, and we have faith that she is pink"

corrected to:

"We know she exists because she has been rule 34'd"
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Anonymous11(9): The Flying Spaghetti Monster will get you for this!
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supermagicmilk: @GreenBanana
It's not arbitrary. But that's irrelevant. Arbitrary memes are things that exist.
Therefore porn.
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Anonymous12: I understood the concepts of what this could have meant without ever hearing of the the source material, but then again I'm just very good at educated guessing based on the tags and the way it sounds. Best I could do, sad really.
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Anonymous13: I knew the teapot but not the unicorn. go figure...
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8o8: to be honest i didn't know about the joke, untill i read the article that shotalink posted

now i lol'd, but this pic needs the flying spaghetti monster and the dragon fucking each other in my garage
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8o8: >>639274 kinda related (if you understand russian of course)
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8o8: anon14: since when did you visited this website?

because they're some fappable features (like the >>600000 get)
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Anonymous15: So does it mean one can touch it? It was never mentioned that IPU is impalpable.
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creamyneko: The IPU needs glasses?
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Dug: Worst attempt to be witty ever.
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Deviluke: So, this is atheism's.
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Anonymous16: Atheism Pics: 2
Religion Pics: 280
Turns out religion exists MORE than atheism. Suck it, Athiests!
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous15 you are retarded
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Cat_Bountry: When I first saw the thumbnail I thought this was MLP related.

Confound those ponies.
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Anonymous18: Is this what has been haunting me?
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Anonymous19: I don't like the fringe, where's her glorious mane?
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Anonymous20(19): haircut makes her look like mandark from dexters lab
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Anonymous21: IPU?

And I thought it was just a pony!
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nagger: The 'problem' here is that depicting God or Allah or one of their prophets/messiahs in a #34 image is considered blasphemy, while depicting an atheist icon in a #34 image isn't going to ruffle any feathers.

Still, I guess there's the hope that people will look up what it means and learn something new.
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Anonymous22: The Flying Spagetti monster would have been better atheist feature. Sure the invisible pink unicorn is awesome, but being blessed by his noodlely appendages is better.
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Anonymous23(19): I'm an atheist, and I find this depiction of IPU to be extremely offensive.
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BNSF: Almost kinda looks like that boy with the big bug eye glasses on yugioh
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Anonymous24: Uh... huh.
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Anonymous25: This depiction of IPU is really offensive. It's supposed to be invisible and I can see it. Blasphemy !
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Anonymous26(18): Why are religions divided? put them together & see some freaky shit!
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Thoma: So you have to study philosophy and religion now to understand r34 features? <.<
Never heard of any of this before and I'm not quite bad at general knowledge.
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Jac_Webb: I had never heard of "Russell's Teapot" or "Invisible Pink Unicorn." I guess you can catch wind of things via 34. Oh well, it happens to the worst of us.
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Sodomius: Well isn't this lovely?
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Anonymous28: this. makes no sense
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DragonShade44: FSM would have made more sense for the Atheism feature. That being said, atheists are fucking retarded.
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Anonymous29: Yeah, people adhering to a group I disagree with? COMPLETELY retarded.
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Anonymous30: God has struck me flacid.
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Titanium: Anon10 - Ah, but that's an error in logic. If A then B does not imply that if B then A. Just because it's 34'd does not make it exist.

nagger - I was gonna end the week (or however long this takes) with something blasphemous to atheists.

Those saying "FSM feature nao" just wait... that's another religion... Pastafarianism.
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Anonymous31(30): "Russell wrote that if he claimed that a teapot were orbiting the sun, it would be nonsense for him to expect others not to doubt him just because they could not prove him wrong." There's a tonne of teapots orbiting the sun Russell. Several of them are in my kitchen right now.
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nagger: Titanium: I understand the intention and I certainly enjoy the idea, but the point is that you can't blaspheme against atheism since atheism is not a religion.
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Titanium: nagger - just wait
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nagger: I wait with bated breath.
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Anonymous32: Pinkie Pie's crazy aunt
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Anonymous33(27): But Atheism isn't a religion, I thought you were doing just religious features? Not that I have a problem with it of course.
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Anonymous34(27): Well, now i know about russels teapot! Thanks paheal! I never thought I'd actually learn something while I fap!
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Anonymous35: Is this supposed to be offensive?
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Anonymous36: Russel's Teapot and the Invisible Pink Unicorn state that simply because you cannot prove something exists does not mean it does. You need burden of proof.

However, Rule 34 states that if it exists there IS porn of it. Rules of logic tell us that the inverse is also true. If there is porn of it then it DOES exist.

Since these two instances exist then, the argument for atheism is invalid. Therefore, this week rule34 has usurped not only established religion but also atheism.

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Anonymous37: It's only fitting a Russian drew something Atheism related. They must REALLY be fond of the Soviet days. :/
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Mother: If you are going to do religions, Titanium, don't forget about Discordianism.


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Father: STFU Mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mother: And people wonder why we aren't together anymore...
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Anonymous38: Depends on how you define "exists". Scooby-doo, Kim Possible, and all other characters on this site "exist" in media. But they don't "exist" in any other sense.

Just like god, jesus, moses, zeus, hercules, odysseus, odin, thor, Rhett Butler, Darth Vader, etc. "exist" as characters in stories, but cannot be proven to "exist" in any other sense.

Atheism is not itself a religion, but it has no meaning outside of religion, being simply the lack thereof, so it is part of the topic.

I like the IPU, have an IPU T-shirt, but they could have drawn a sexier face on this one.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: And you just know eventually some spaceman is going to launch a teapot or reasonable facsimile to escape velocity. Take that, Russell.

Yeah, Rule 34 introduced me to Questionable Content and TwoKinds. So far.
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Father: We aren't together any mother, because you wont STFU!!!!!!!!!
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Urbane_Guerrilla: "My Pink Unicorn has no nose!"
"How does it smell?"
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Anonymous39: OOH Rule34!
You can Fap AND Learn at the SAME TIME!
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Anonymous40(38): "It's supposed to be invisible and I can see it."

That's the point. The IPU is a parody of religion, and like all religions, has direct contradictions. In this case, being pink and invisible at the same time. Religion is not SUPPOSED to make sense.
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Anonymous41: How dare you sexify my religious icon. I'm so offended.
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Anonymous42: @Anon 39 : you misinterpreted my comment. I know the fact that "it both pink and invisible" is intended in the concept of IPU. What I meant was "this specific depiction of IPU on paheal is blasphemous : it's indeed pink, but it's not invisible"
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AnOniMouse: Cat Bounty is right.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: But if the depiction on paheal showed her as invisible, it would still be blasphemous: she'd indeed be invisible, but not pink.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: The IPU is indeed part of the cast of MLP---you just can't see her and she doesn't have lines. The ponies communicate with her via prayer.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Silent prayer, that is.
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Anonymous43(9): The IPU is actually Princess Bubblegum.
Any other interpretation is blasphemy.
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Anonymous44: Russel's Teapot states that if you can't prove something exists it doesn't mean that it does, (There's a teapot somewhere between here and the sun.) Though with this logic the reverse is also true, If you can't prove something exists that doesn't mean that it doesn't. (Speeds faster than Light) It is neither pro nor anti religion so it's not really atheism.
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AnOniMouse: Urbane Guerilla, wanna hear some crazy shit?
Them are the two that introduced me to THIS.
After learning of the rules of the internet , I experimented with searching them and variations of 'r34' on The Great Google (Which by the way is another religion, Googlism) and turned up on this doorstep, and I've been darkening it ever since.
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Anonymous45: Every one of these religion week pics causes the whiny bitches to come out of their holes and ccomplain how they think their religion is right and the one that was posted was wrong. Get over yourselves, dumbasses.
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Anonymous46: Heh heh, I don't believe in any religion in particular and every atheist I've ever met has proven to be a smug, pseudo-intellectual, elitist prick (although like with various religions im sure everyone can't all be the least I hope). So I don't consider myself one or want to be associated with them...but this, I like. Well done paheal..well done.
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Titanium: Anon35 - Um... no. You fail dem der logics

Anon37 - "Atheism is not itself a religion, but it has no meaning outside of religion, being simply the lack thereof, so it is part of the topic." Correct
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Anonymous47(44): Atheism is a disbelief in a god (since there is no proof)
Theism is belief in a god since (since there is no disproof)
Agnostic is neither a belief or disbelief in a god (since there is neither proof nor disproof)
Russel's Teapot is an Agnostic idea....Agnostic tag!
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Anonymous48(44): This sort of reminds me of that gaming study about it being a positive thing... if you play video games you take on the positive aspects of the game in real life. Wouldn't you also take on the negative from games like GTA (that's the only game that comes to mind which involves things like killing prostitutes/cops)
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UncleSpongeSmoke: Anon43 - Anon 47
didnt read
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jubilation_t_cornpone: "So I don't consider myself one"

If you don't believe gods exist, you match the definition. So you are one whether you like it or not. In the same way that someone with red hair is a redhead. Whether you LIKE other atheists/redheads or not is irrelevant.
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loverofperfectfeet: 8o8: anon14: since when did you visited this website?

because they're some fappable features (like the >>600000 get) ...since when did you visit this site? fixed*;dr?or tl;cr=too long, couldn't read...AnOniMouse: Cat Bounty is right. Cat Bountry is right ..fixed* fuck you idiots spell correctly...fucking hurts my eyes when you don't do it on purpose...
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loverofperfectfeet: 8o8: anon14: since when did you visited this website?

because they're some fappable features (like the >>600000 get) ...since when did you visit this site? fixed*;dr?or tl;cr=too long, couldn't read...AnOniMouse: Cat Bounty is right. Cat Bountry is right ..fixed* fuck you idiots spell correctly...fucking hurts my eyes when you don't do it on I got THIS error from the server wtf Internal Error

postgres7 error: [-1: ERROR: could not extend relation 1663/16385/17234: No space left on device HINT: Check free disk space.] in EXECUTE(" INSERT INTO score_log(date_sent, section, priority, username, address, message) VALUES(now(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ")
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Anonymous49(44): 3 lines make a wall? go lazyness!
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Anonymous50: Should have been the Invisible Pink Unicorn using Russell's Teapot to fight the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
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Anonymous51: Forget pink unicorn. DERPY (my little pony) 4 tha WIN! -oficially endorsed by Charlie Sheen.
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Anonymous52: /r/ FSM noodle rape
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Anonymous53(46): @jubilation_t_cornpone: I may have been a little vague. I don't believe in any one ruling deity per say, but I don't rule out the possibility of life beyond death. I still have spiritual beliefs while (at least from what I understand) most atheists tend to distance themselves from that sort of thing. So it might be splitting hairs, but that's why I don't consider myself one.
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Anonymous54: I simply don't believe it.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Fight each other? The FSM and IPU should FUCK each other. This is a porn site, after all. Think of the FSM's capability for tentacle rape.
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Anonymous55(27): Athisim isn't a religion.
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Anonymous56(27): ^ you spelt it wrong but you're right, it isn't.
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Anonymous57(38): @anon52: atheism is not a total world view, it covers just one thing: lack of belief in gods. It does not address other beliefs, even supernatural ones. One can believe in ghosts, unicorns, fairies, sane tea-party members, and other mythical creatures and still be an atheist.

True, most atheists would distance themselves from these things, but in general they don't care enough to give people shit about them. There's no reason to even bring it up. Those who believe in unicorns don't pass legislation that fucks over other people. Those who believe in werewolves don't tell gay people they can't get married to each other. Those who believe in Atlantis don't attack the adult industry on a nonstop basis.
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Anonymous58: This is drawing we're talking about. Want to make it pink and invisible? Draw a pink dotted-line outline of the unicorn!
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8o8: @loverofperfectfeet: well excuuuuuuuuuse me loverofperfectfeet, sorry if i mispelled that, just don't get mad about it.
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loverofperfectfeet: 8o8...NO you should be murdered in your fucking sleep for daring to misspell on the internet!...I was fucking with you 8o8 lol calm down
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Anonymous59(38): 8o8, don't worry about it. loverofperfectfeet said "since when did you visited this website" in the same post where he was going on about other people's spelling. Which always happens.
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Anonymous60(9): @anon56: Sane tea party members? Like those who do not believe that borrowing BILLIONS EVERY FUCKING MONTH from China is the proper way to sustain the American economy? Imagine that!
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Anonymous61(38): A sane person would realize that cutting defense spending would have more effect on the budget than going after trivial shit like Planned Parenthood and public radio. Not to mention claiming that 90 percent of Planned Parenthood's expense is abortion-related, when it is more like 10 percent.
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Anonymous62: Stupid ass christians always trying to convert and dominate other relegions
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Anonymous63(38): To be fair, islam is far worse in those areas. Really, all of the abrahamic religions suck. Judism just doesn't suck as much because they are better about leaving other people alone. But it is their fault we have the other two. No abraham, no abrahamic religions.
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ChaosWolf: Invisible Pink Uniporn.
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Anonymous64: anon 58 here..I am fucking stupid
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loverofperfectfeet: um anon 58 ...if you read my comment all the way you would see that I was fucking using his exact fucking words you fucking newfag...LURKMOAR NEWFAG
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Anonymous65(64): anon 58 here again...sorry..I really am a useless fuck...all I am good for is a please...give me your cocks...fuck my SKULL!
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Anonymous66: Заибаста коменты от боговерчиков. Эй, бог вам запрещает дрочить, че вы тут делаете?
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loverofperfectfeet: ^^Zaibasta komenty from bogoverchikov. Hey, god forbid you masturbate, Che are you doing here?
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Anonymous67: "atheism is stupid" - Carl sagen
I was thinking that when I saw this.
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Anonymous68(67): Shut the fuck up anon 61, atheist do the same shit trying to push their beliefs onto others and try to get them to be like them so stop being a retarded hypocrite.
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Anonymous69(67): Did someone say "pink unicorn?"
Inb4 friendship is magic reference.
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Anonymous70(38): anon67, you are full of shit. Have you ever heard of an atheist going door-to-door to "push beliefs"? Have you ever heard of atheists being missionaries and going to foreign countries to push beliefs while pretending to help people?

STFU your own self. Hypocracy, especially retarded hypocracy, is giving shit to atheists for "pushing beliefs" when biblebangers do it a thousand times as much.

And it isn't "belief" anyway, it's LACK of belief in your peckerhead god.
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Anonymous71(67): invisible pink unicorn: atheism for ponyfags.
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Anonymous72: Who knew satire could be porn? xDDD
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Anonymous73: @Anon15: Existence is a Boolean value and the relational operator 'more than' is not defined for that set. Your argument is invalid.
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ThatsAkoolStoryBro: i can see her cuz i had faith.

ironic huh?
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ThatsAkoolStoryBro: anon69,

i heard of atheists trying to take down a street sign that was dedicated to the heroes of 9/11 because it referenced heaven.

both sides have stupid people.
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Anonymous74: Religious bullshit in my porn :(
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Anonymous75: SHUT UP AND FAP
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Anonymous76: this is the funniest shit ive seen in a long while, i love you paheal
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Anonymous77: That face is fucking hideous, it needs a unicorn face.
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Anonymous78: Sad day when peeps be fappin to this shit.
Make it actually sexy then we can talk.
Or fap.
Fix this shit.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @ThatsAkoolStoryBro: What if the reference in the sign spoke of being rewarded with 72 virgins? In other words, what if it was the "wrong" heaven? How would you feel about the street sign then? Would you be trying to take it down?

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