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TagsJuno, Kelda, Overlord, Queen_Fay, Rose, Velvet, elwinne, overlord_2
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Info1132x1575 // 882KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: thank you, finally GOOD overlord porn
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TheBomber: The overlord gets all the bitches.
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Anonymous2: every overlord needs to let off some steam every once and a while
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Anonymous3: Why is this tagged overlord 2?
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evilpika: It's all the mistresses from Ovelords 1 and 2.
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Danny: Kelda, Juno, and Queen Fay are from Overlord 2, that's why it tagged as such.
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Anonymous4: overlord 1 are varnessa and rosa
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Anonymous5: I don't know what version you've been playing, but in the English version of the first Overlord the Mistresses are called Rose and Velvet.
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Anonymous6: in germand is her name vanessa
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Anonymous7: Anon6 is right.

Also, if this is Overlord 2, Rose is his mother. So that's kinda creepy.
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venom: we are venom
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Anonymous8: that's the first overlord, you can tell from the lack of blue skin
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Anonymous9: So, he came back from the Abyss and killed his kid, and took said kid's women and his own back?

Damn. The Greeks got nothing on this one picture.
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Anonymous10: For the Overlord!
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Anonymous11: the second overlord is not the first overlords kid its just a new overlord
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Anonymous12: Try playing the game anon11 - second overlord is the son of Rose and the first overlord.
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Anonymous13: This is the first overlord from the armour, which means he escaped the abyss and stole his sons ladies.
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RealSlimShadowen: Y'know, I loves me some harem pics, but I have to say it: elwinne's art is afflicted by the sameface disease.
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Anonymous14(3): Actually anon12, anon11 is right, after you become the second overlord the Old Minion says he wouldnt like another candidate to die meaning that you most likely is just some random kid with magical powers.
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Anonymous15(3): How come there's not more Overlord porn? I mean have you even looked at some of the charaters from number 2?, there should be so much more pictures.
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Anonymous16: Dear god people, play the game, you are one candidate yes, but when you first go to the wasteland Gnarl talks about your mother and father. You are the old overlords son, for shizzle.
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Anonymous17: Awww. No Minion porn? I for one think Gnarl is an excellent canditate =p
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Anonymous18: Anon17: There is one floating around in the alternative gallery in fchan at the moment.
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Anonymous19: Anon14: *facepalm* You meet Rose in the game. Gnarl says she is your mother. Canon says first(well, tehnicaly 3rd) Overlord kept Rose as mistress. QED, Overlad is son of Overlord.
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Anonymous20: Rose-Mother
Me-Okay with this.

It's overlad, the cape is fur trimmed.
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Anonymous21: wich on is kelda
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Anonymous22: Overlord porn is amazing :P
I think there needs to be one of kelda and Juno bent iver kissing, getting whipped by dark fay, and having the yeti drill keldas butt and one of those giant legionairres bumming Juno XD
if someone is immense enough to do this inbox/ pm me under the name Fighterazza.
Thanks guys ;)
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Anonymous23: i have played the first game and at the end or the dlc raising hell u see your mistress pregnant
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Anonymous24: very nice art BUT :
#1 - Velvet - shorter, black hair [not blue]
#2 - Fey - light blue hair OR red hair, darker skin tone [Queen Fey/Dark Fey versions, I will not argue about material/ghost version, as corporal is 'funner']
#3 - Rose - longer hair, back braided,
#4 - Kelda - wrong hair lenght (should be slighly shorter according to in-game version) and color (actually

All according to the order, counter clockwise from top left Juno, Fey, Kelda, Rose, Velvet
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Anonymous25: Just so everyone knows since it seems to be an argument.

At the end of Overlord 1 Rose (If she is chosen) Gets pregnant. Also the first overlord gets traped in a hell like purgatory.

Rose remarries but is forced to give up her child. Who becomes the second overlord.
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Anonymous26: I don't think this term has ever been more appropriate:
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Anonymous27(26): I think Kendra is about to finger Rose. Since they are both redheads, I guess they have special bond between them.
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Anonymous28: It's good ta be the king errr Overlord
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Anonymous29: were is ghost fay?
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Anonymous30(29): why is there not more overlord porn i mean it's a game were you get your own harem it's prackticaly beging for it
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Anonymous31: one legged overlord
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Anonymous32: You know that Rose and Velvet Are old?
Or other way Juno and Kelda should be kids( i'm not sure about Fay)?
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Anonymous33: @TheBomber: @TheBomber: @TheBomber:

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