Anonymous4: Nixon always wore his hair brushed back to hide his fucked-up hairline, which was damaged when he was kicked by a horse while running after his mother. )':
Anonymous9(8): Hitler is christmassy... no srsly. There's all documentaries and shit about im on tv :p Shame were all apathetic wapo faggots or damn those Untermenchen would be gettin it now!
Anonymous10(8): Probably I wouldn't know :p Theres been alot of stuff about him on mainstream telly as of late :/ Like his relationships with various sluts and such. For christmassy neofascist reasons ofc...
Anonymous16: "Like his relationships with various sluts and such. " yes the Führer was a slut hunter supreme in the Third Reich... oh mein Führer why did we loose! *cries*
evilpika: "Well listen here missy, computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973, but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever. The only one who's changed is me! I've become bitter—and let's face it—crazy over the years! And after I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!"
I would vote for this man in a heartbeat. The country's gonna be run by a lunatic anyway, we may as well make it an entertaining one.
Anonymous23: Richard Nixon in a Gears-of-War-like suit raping Chiyo-chan with Osaka just staring on. And you know the sad part? I barely flinched at this
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I was bored and I thought it was funny.
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Even loli ass.
Poor poor Chiyo-chan
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He has a very distinctive nose. That helped.
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... Why do I know that?
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This was drawn from memory alone.
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Have a tissue.
I would vote for this man in a heartbeat. The country's gonna be run by a lunatic anyway, we may as well make it an entertaining one.