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Anonymous1: Cleopatra was Mediterranean(Greek) not black. Stop stealing Mediterranean history.
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Funccidelic: We wuz Cleopatras and shieeet.
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Anonymous2: Cleopatra was half Greek and half Egyptian so she would look mixed not white. Also, if you know anything about history the ancient Greeks and Romans were not typical white people and would have had colored skin( the Minoans who came before them were dark skinned). Either way this is a beautiful pic and not one that belongs on this website but in a museum.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: fuck up nig nog, med's aren't black and this pic belongs in a fire
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Anonymous4: Cleopatra was not black
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orcballs: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: She's Egyptian, and in case you forgot where Egypt is, it's in North Africa. Shocking, I know!
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orcballs: @Anonymous: Agreed, it's well painted, kind of reminds me of that painting of Lucifer where he was being banished, and his face was burning with wrath. Rather gorgeous indeed.
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Anonymous5: @orcballs: North Africans are Semitic. AKA Sand People. Take your sub Saharan ass back to the mud hut and stop trying to steal cultures.
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Anonymous6: Cleopatra was Greek you dumbfuck! She was white!
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samuraiidiot: Can we all agree that this depiction is way hotter than she probably looked? lol
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Anonymous7: @samuraiidiot: Agreed. But @anonymous2 is right about cleopatra, she was half greek( fathers Ptolemaic line) and half egyptian( mothers line). Just google it for yourselves and stop with the racist whitewashing of egyptians.
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: "Half egyptian" doesn't mean half black, you dumb afro.
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Anonymous9: No cleopatra was full greek, her family only inbreed between themself and there were no other or outside breeding so she was full greek and full white
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: Super Retard!
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Anonymous11(10): @Anonymous: you are just an animal
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Anonymous12: WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparenty, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or im sorry
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Anonymous13: note for Anonymous: this is 21st century
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Anonymous14: Chuckling hard at Anonymous 2 and 7 in here. They think they know about history, but they only have a surface-level understanding of it.

These are the people who watched and enjoyed that fictionalised Netflix drama about Cleopatra, in which black people who also didn't know about or didn't care for history decided that Greek Cleopatra and her Greek court were actually sub-saharah Africans. Because obviously someone in Africa is a dark-skinned black person, and they really do not care to think beyond that.

But anyway, in terms of porn, the ideal Cleopatra is a brown-skinned mommy.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: The irony of your statement is that you don’t know shit about history. The ancient Egyptians were native Africans and have recorded themselves as looking “black” by today’s standards. Even the Greeks and Romans who saw the Egyptians face to face saw them as black. And using “Subsaharan African” let’s me know that you have an IQ under 50. You probably get all her historical knowledge from Reddit lol. And you’re definitely one of those cry babies online that bitch and moan about that cleopatra show, but remain silent when Hollywood whitewashes the ancient Egyptians. You’re not a student of history but just another insecure white boii.

@Anonymous: The Ptolemys definitely mixed outside their family. Anyone can google that easy fact. They tried to keep it in the family, but on occasion would mix with others. Cleopatra’s herself has unknown family members like her grandmother. And the Greeks weren’t against mixing with native Egyptians so anything is possible. I can tell you’re just like the other idiot I responded to. Only getting lazy facts about history on the internet w/o doing further research.
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Anonymous16(15): @Anonymous: SEMITIC? LMAO. Guys like you need to comment less about things u don’t know. Prime example of how masterbating too much kills brain cells.
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Anonymous17: Egyptians weren't blacks, but that doesn't stop zero IQ blacks from appropriating them. One would wonder why, if blacks were so successful in Egypt, there has never been another successful black civilization.
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Anonymous18(15): @Anonymous: There have been plenty of successful African civilizations besides ancient Egypt. The Kushites, the Axumites, the Macrobians, medieval Nubia, the Mali empire, etc. etc. You’re a dumbass, but that’s still no excuse to not know this info. How sad are u that u project your racists hatred in a hentai site. Pathetic!

The ancient Egyptians were black, period. Whether or not Cleopatra is is another debate. What’s funny is that in inbreds like yourself get your panties in a bunch over a picture like this, despite it already being proven by genuine research and scholarship. Cope harder!
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Anonymous19(15): @orcballs: I agree as well. And I think I know what painting you’re talking about. Is it where Lucifer is sitting in the ground pouting?

Also, funny username LMAO
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Anonymous20: Some Black people wish their history was glorious, sadly it's not so they take from others. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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