ningenuwu911: For the history, I have to wonder on this, because like many things, I hear conflicting stories. So far, it seems like the mass rapes* were NSDAP propaganda that backfired, with mass rapes actually occurring during the Battle of Berlin, during the looting, which Stalin became angry with. But then I also hear Stalin advocated for rape, and Commissars also advocated for it. And the artist lived during this period, but we have many witnesses and "witnesses" of many places and events during that period, which often don't mean shit or are outright falsehoods, whether because they were misinformed or because they may have had some greed in mind (see holocaust "survivors" and DPRK defectors for bullshit).
My point is, for those who want to learn about this piece of history: humans do bad shit. But, some of that is bullshit. You must be careful not to let emotions rise, to think rationally, and consider all sides of the story. See black legends; atrocity propaganda.
*Obviously rape will happen, but ~2,000,000? It seems to me that the West kept the story during the Cold War, for obvious reasons.
Anonymous1: Hahaha nice (((dog whistle))) but its old and no longer will work anyways try harder you loser nazi you will die as a loser miserable piece of shit you fat virgin piece of shit nobody will be sad after you die because you are worthless even your Patents will be glad after your disquasting body goes underground and after 1 or 2 monts later you will be totally forgotten and hopefully we will get rid of backward lowrace (((untermench))) like you from the face of earth and burn your worthless corpse like a cockroach you are
My point is, for those who want to learn about this piece of history: humans do bad shit. But, some of that is bullshit. You must be careful not to let emotions rise, to think rationally, and consider all sides of the story. See black legends; atrocity propaganda.
*Obviously rape will happen, but ~2,000,000? It seems to me that the West kept the story during the Cold War, for obvious reasons.