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TagsGoeniko, King_of_Fighters, Leopold_Goenitz, Orochi, Rule_63, Wind, ayaswan
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info800x822 // 341KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: NO
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Anonymous2: Now that she's stunned and spread-legged with her dripping cunt exposed, totally defenceless, I'll just rip out her brain. <Time for you to seek erectile disfunction therapy rather than trying out brain surgery.
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Anonymous3: I'm getting sick of all this murder porn. It isn't funny, it's fucked up and anyone who actually gets off on this shit should be thrown into an asylum.
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Anonymous4: "May I have your brain?"
"lol k."
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Anonymous5: @anon 3: what the hell it's hella funny how anime girls die or something especialy when their cunt is exposed..lolol
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NephtheStampede: ...Aaaaand anon 5 is about a year away from spending some quality time with a morgue drawer and a hot plate.
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Anonymous6: Is that Sylar?
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Anonymous7: Mentok the mind taker any one?
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Anonymous8: In before: Lunch.
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Anonymous9(3): Anon5: Go stick a rifle up your ass. People like you should be wiped off the face of the planet. I give you a month before you start raping and killing little girls.
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Anonymous10: Dear Anyonymous number 3 and 9 (I just presume, your the same one ;o)

I know, for those folks, like you, how seem to think that "humour" is something, that happens to others only, its kind of hard, to keep apart a few principle things. For one thing: reality and fiction.

For my part, those pics are rather funny, or interesting to look at, sometimes. And I dare to believe, that goes for the rest of the viewers, too (well, the most, anyway).

And, even if it spoils the fun for few of us, some seem to think it's fun picking on you. (Ya, I know, it IS fun for you, but i prefer picking on people who're not too stupid to recognise it ...)

Anyway, dear number 3+9, please, do us all a favor: when you do nut like those pictures, just dont view them, rather than disembark your verbal garbage here ...

Greets, Igniz
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Anonymous11: relax folks, he's just trying to create a perfect woman
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Anonymous12: Well...pretty much a boner kill...although with the picture scrolled down halfway *fap fap fap fap*
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neverenougH: There is something wrong with this picture...
protip: eyes
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Saria64: Orochi will just replace her useless brain for another more intelligent, also sexually active and sadistic at the same time, then she will be the perfect replacement for goenitz (accept it, her IA is for the birds)
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Anonymous13: Ppl who think this is funny need serious immediate and competent help.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: Will no one think of the real victims of getting their brains psychically ripped out?!
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Anonymous14: Shouldn't the eyes of been pulled out with the brain?
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Anonymous15: faggots cant handle graphically drawn content with a little blood. quit the internet forever pussy ass faggots
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Anonymous16: i simply cant stand both porn like this and people who do this shit in real life (scum) i like gore but in movies for fucks sakes
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Anonymous17(16): quit this bull shit NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW
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MrAnon: Que Hannibal ordering some fancy cuisine side dishes and a nice dink.
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Anonymous18: controversial issues? ... this is a porn site... not Capital Hill... do i agree with this shit? no, do i like seeing politics on a porn site? fuck no. press the back button and move on, it takes much less time than typing a message saying how the previous anon is fucked up.
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BigDickEnergy: This is your brain on religion drugs.
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Anonymous19: Tf
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Anonymous20: Powerful Wisdom

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