Anonymous3(2): Maybe if the drawing didn't look like my 7 year old brother drew it. It just looks like someone scribbled all over the page.
So no. Not fappable. At all.
Oh, come on, dude. Not all artists in the entire universe are pretty expertive at drawing and as I said before in another topic, most artists can draw, IMO. It's not like they can draw originally with colors, instead, they wanted to use their own style of drawing whether it's colored in a alternative way, black & white, or sketched.
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No, not fappable. At all.
So no. Not fappable. At all.
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Oh, come on, dude. Not all artists in the entire universe are pretty expertive at drawing and as I said before in another topic, most artists can draw, IMO. It's not like they can draw originally with colors, instead, they wanted to use their own style of drawing whether it's colored in a alternative way, black & white, or sketched.
And by the way, Lorelei+Clair=Faptastic