Do Not Post list
Most of these artists or organizations have requested that their work not be posted on our site, but a few are known to just be thieves. (Also, note that it is only artists and sites; don't ask that your commissions or fan characters be added.)
These art thieves, tracers, non-owning watermarkers, and miscellaneous credit-takers are forbidden to post by Paheal staff ruling, as they create duplicate entries and are generally shitty:
At their request, please do not post any images made by the following:
Most of these artists or organizations have requested that their work not be posted on our site, but a few are known to just be thieves. (Also, note that it is only artists and sites; don't ask that your commissions or fan characters be added.)
These art thieves, tracers, non-owning watermarkers, and miscellaneous credit-takers are forbidden to post by Paheal staff ruling, as they create duplicate entries and are generally shitty:
- (watermark)
- AdultForces (watermark)
- Aerisdies (watermark)
- Bato / Anaxus / Limper / Limperova (tracer and uncredited Photoshops) (not the same as BatoTheCyborg who is not DNP)
- Black666Sun (tracer)
- BleachSluts (watermark)
- CartoonWorkXXX (watermark)
- cfake (watermark) (they steal all their fakes)
- comic-images (watermark)
- (watermark)
- Ero-Sennin / Ero-Sennin34 (art thief)
- evilweazel (tracer)
- ExclusivePornArt (watermark)
- Free-Famous-Toons (watermark)
- Hentai-Ultime (watermark)
- Hentaimate (thieves, watermark)
- Hentaipack (watermark)
- HentaiZA (steals all content from paysites, some of which are DNP) (not the same as CartoonZA)
- KaGeTa / K4GeTa / ZAGE INC (tracer)
- Klozz (watermark)
- MilkyHentai (watermark)
- NarutoXXX (watermark)
- OnePieceOfAss (watermark)
- Radgasm (watermark)
- (watermark, generally a disgrace)
- SBB (tracer)
- (tracers, usually have "manipulation" in one corner of a pic)
- sino (tracer)
- ToonsPortal (watermark)
- TraceFag (tracer, obviously)
- VIPFamousToons (watermark)
- WOWPornCraft (watermark)
- Xhime (watermark)
At their request, please do not post any images made by the following:
- 14-bis
- Aikynero (Whitephox)
- AlexZiska
- Amamio
- Andy Price
- angle333 (unless you get his permission first)
- Annonymouse
- Any of Reiq's paysites (Jigglygirls,,,,
- Apostle
- Ashley Markley (AKA viraldivinity AKA dimensionaltransient)
- Astrofenn
- Atimon
- Atlasfield (AKA Atlas)
- Bernal
- Big-O (artist, not series)
- Black Megaman
- (if it has the pixxx site logo)
- Braeburned if it says Do Not Post, Do Not Distribute or similar
- Brian Lee Walker / blw7920
- BossReo
- Cadaver86
- Carmilla (from furaffinity) [Artist signature "Vay", on sonic images AFAIK]
- CartoonValley
- Cartoon Reality
- Cetaceaphile / Leeham991dark / CLB
- Chisuzu (AKA Prettio)
- ChocoZell
- Chronomorphosis
- crazyac3s
- CrimsonDreamerProductions
- CuteEmmy (usually signed as just Emmy)
- Cyberunique (any and all of his various sites)
- Crovirus/Siplelpis/Cromissions (by artist request)
- Cutepet (will post own work) users may post if they include a valid free source such as Hentai Foundry
- Daikkenaurora (AKA Chris Foulkes)
- DarkAlx
- Darkprimate
- dbananza
- Demeters Wake
- Deemezo
- DeemienX
- DerekTheVaporeon (may post own work)
- DingoRingo30
- Divinefirewolf
- dodgerfan
- Dr. Comet (almost everything not_34 anyway)
- DracoJeff
- Dragonsmoke
- Drawn-Sex
- DTfox
- Duckman/Duck2k
- E★D (AKA Kounotori Takeo)
- Eazy-M
- ELtheGeneral
- enchantedhentai
- Exofluke
- faire-weather
- Firechidna
- FatalTragedy2004 (AKA FT2k4)
- FireMario86
- Frenchie
- Full-on-Zombie (artist will post own work)
- Fumetsusozo (AKA Sozo)
- Gninrom / Gnin
- GingerM (will post own work)
- Giolon
- GiulioMazarini
- Hasquet
- Helg (CartoonValley)
- Hentai United if it says Do Not Distribute
- hizzacked
- holasi2000 / Partytimexxx
- Husk Silver
- HypnoFire86
- Infycharmander
- Imago3D / Unrealfox (go to his DA for commenting)
- InnocentTazlet
- Ireal (AKA ireal70)
- Isabel M. (AKA Ameban)
- jarekmattsinurie
- jasmo
- Jay Naylor
- JKprollin (will upload own art, or at least ask for permission)
- Jooshster
- Just Cartoon Dicks
- JusticeHentai
- Kawaguchi720
- Kayla Na / MeltheHybrid (My Little Pony prohibited, everything else is okay---don't ask why, we have no idea; the MLP porn may be under the name BluntWhiskey)
- Kayona
- kaeko
- Kepokk (will post own work)
- Kevmg17 (will post own work, commissions circumstantial)
- Kinky Jimmy (AKA Ken Jeremiassen) (will post own work, though it is permitted for users to post pics found on HF if source is set to prove it came from there; free pics only, pay pics still DNP)
- kitsunequeen / goldenkitsunequeen / captainbitchninja / theseawfulthings
- KJBat
- Kliker
- Kuplo
- Kyder (will post own work)
- Lady Machoke (AKA China-Kitty)
- Lady Winter ask for her permission first
- Ladydove7 AKA Angela R. Sasser
- Latifox
- Lemoncore (will post own work)
- linnopron / linno / zebala
- Lizardsharkragon (except for pics by DaShark and TheSharkGuy on HF and DA; these should be tagged TheSharkGuy)
- Lotorno Miko
- Magic Ball Xinghua
- MapleMoon
- Mark Scerpella
- Mavrosh Stratiotis
- mazder-1x5
- McDutt
- MeltheHybrid / Kayla Na / BluntWhiskey (My Little Pony prohibited, everything else is okay - don't ask why, all we're told is "personal reasons"; pony porn may be under the name BluntWhiskey)
- Metal-Dragon-Kiryu
- Micki
- Milftoon
- MJEsperandieu
- Mongrel (
- Mooncalf
- Muzzow (deviantArt) AKA Muriel (Facepunch) and AKA Lynna/Lynna B. (Livejournal) and AKA ShalaRaan (deviantArt)
- (if it has the pixxx site logo)
- Nazuu-m0nster / Red-Rouge-Boy
- Neyaraxis
- NickLaw
- Nirvanilla
- NOPEavi
- Norah Enilem
- Notren (AKA Notren-Soul)
- Nyuufeisu (kind of annoying to tell if his or not, does random CG sets on DLsite.)
- Nyuunzi
- OliverBarraza (AKA OBarraza AKA Landowner)
- OnePiecePixxx
- Ookamithewolf1 / wolfsclop
- Oni pay site ( if it says Do Not Distribute
- PalComix pay sites (PalComixVIP, Mobius Unleashed, Slavetoon, DigiHentai, PokePornLive, RearDeliveries, Equestria Untamed), unless it says "For Free Distribution Only" (i.e. a free sample) or you have a legitimate free source like their Inkbunny filled in. Note: plain PalComix is not DNP. It has to be one of these sites. Specify the name in the report.
- Pawblo (personal reasons, requests you not ask please)
- Pichu90
- PikaBelleChu
- Pineapplelicious / mysteriouspackage / Piney / Pinez
- Pitch-Black-Crow
- Pocket Arsenal / Hyliaman (unless you get his permission first)
- Predaphiles (all types of artworks)
- Prettío/Chisuzu - Carmen Galán
- Pyra/[gs] Mugetsu
- PyroBlitz (AKA BBZola)
- Qoppa
- RadiantCG
- RandomRandom (may post own work, or an admin may do it)
- RandomRedux
- ranmabooks
- Razzek
- Rdzreborn2k5
- redadillio (sometimes misspelled redadillo)
- RedMageJacob
- Rihelim
- Romzy
- Sandnite
- Savage-Cynder (some images are signed "Cynder", others "SavCyn")
- Saylia
- seiya712
- SergioNekitosso (no longer draws porn)
- Seme87
- ShaloneSK (AKA Shalone Howard)
- Shina
- shinn (will post own work)
- ShuyinK (may post own work)
- Simon aka SimonHTFD (note that there's a different guy who draws exactly like simon but isn't him, called conoghi)
- Silvolf/Laro
- Siobhan68
- Skewerflash
- SkinnerX2710, AKA SX or Skinner
- SloshedMail aka smbcha
- SlugboxHF - Only the comics for sale are DNP
- Sneefee
- SonicDash (AKA SonikkuDashu AKA S-Dash)
- Sonicfan81 (AKA F5)
- somesortofrobot9
- SonicFanatik
- Soulangel980
- Spiritto
- steel_tigerwolf (will post own work)
- Stilleto (AKA S.J.Buth and MentalFloss)
- StuartCH
- Studio Kawaii
- Style Wager
- sweatshirt
- tailspin
- taras/taras089
- Teaselbone
- Teckworks (Will post own work)
- TeTarga
- Testament/Garyu
- thecapedmanlloyd (sometimes just "Lloyd")
- ThePurpleSin2012
- The Black Megaman
- The Duke
- The X (colorist)
- Tojyo
- Toonfused
- Topflite
- Tram Pararam
- treewrx
- Vaporshi
- Victor Rinaldi
- Vuki
- Vypor
- WatanabeYuki
- WKS or Wire Kisser or Wirekisser
- xainy / sy-
- Xenium / Zealous
- xKira-Nibi-Powerx
- (pay pics prohibited, censored promo pics okay)
- Y2Hecate / DarkKalia (commissioned pics not allowed if identified as such, otherwise okay)
- Y3dF
- Yoshiman / Yoshiman1118
- Yuki Almasy
- yumifan
- YuriHaven
- Zeta R-02 (and Project X)
- Zet13
- zev
- ZoDy
- zatchbell19
- zazas